鸟群是许多只鸟聚集在一起时的状态,目的是一同去觅食或迁徙至别处。 [1] 鸟聚集在一起还可以免受天敌的攻击。 [2] 有时鸟群内的鸟不一定都是同一个物种,两种或多种鸟之间也能组成鸟群。[3][4]



  1. ^ Flock. Dictionary. Dictionary. [11 November 2017]. 
  2. ^ Gill, Frank. Ornithology. New York, NY: W.H. Freeman and Company. 2007. 
  3. ^ Animal Behaviour: Benefits of Mixed Flocks. Nature. 19 December 2012, 492 (7429): 314. Bibcode:2012Natur.492Q.314.. S2CID 49906236. doi:10.1038/492314a . 
  4. ^ Terborgh, J. Mixed flocks and polyspecific associations: Costs and benefits of mixed groups to birds and monkeys. American Journal of Primatology. 2005, 21 (2): 87–100. PMID 31963979. S2CID 83826161. doi:10.1002/ajp.1350210203.