


主题和主语和施事均不同,后者是以语义定义的。英语从句中,若从句带被动语态的动词,则主题一般是主语,而施事则省略或加前置介词by。例如“The little girl was bitten by the dog”(小女孩被狗咬了)中,“小女孩”是主语兼主题,但“狗”才是施事。




  • a) 从句中的短语,该从句的剩余部分都是关于该短语的;
  • b) 话题一般出现在从句中的特殊位置(常是开头或末尾)。


  • (1) The dog bit the little girl.咬了小女孩。
  • (2) The little girl was bitten by the dog.小女孩被狗咬了。



  • (3) As for the little girl, the dog bit her.至于小女孩,狗咬了她。
  • (4) It was the little girl that the dog bit.被狗咬了的是小女孩。


  • (6) It is raining.(外面)正在下雨。
  • (7) There is some room in this house.这房子里有些房间。
  • (8) There are two days in the year in which the day and the night are equal in length.


主题/话题和评论/表位/焦点间的关系不应与修辞结构理论的篇章树库(RST-DT corpus)中的主题-评论关系相混淆,后者的定义是“介绍一般性陈述或讨论主题,然后对该陈述或主题进行具体评论”。[2][3]





  • 英语中,主题/话题在从句中第一个出现,一般语调也会变化。[5]:37
  • 日语韩语:主题一般用一个后置介词标记,如-wa或는/은,-(n)eun。
  • 科特迪瓦法语中,主题以后置介词“là ”标记。主题可以是名词或名词性词组,也不必是名词:“Voiture-là est jolie deh”“Aujourd'hui-là il fait chaud”“Pour toi-là n'est pas comme pour moi hein”“Nous qui sommes ici-là, on attend ça seulement”。
  • 所谓自由语序语言(如俄语捷克语,特定语境下也可指汉语德语)的语序暗含语法作用。一般而言话题先于焦点。例如,捷克语和俄语等斯拉夫语族语言中,两种语序均有可能。评论句首结构也称作“主格”(Subjective)并表示特定的情感投入。两种语序通过语调区分。
  • 现代希伯来语中,话题可以跟在评论后面。此时句子的语义主语是形式主语זה (“ze”,字面上“这”)。例如זה מאד מענין הספר הזה“ze meʾod meʿanyen ha-sefer ha-ze”(字面上“这非常有趣这本书”)意为“这本书非常有趣”。
  • 美国手语中,主题可置于句子开头以描述宾语,剩下的句子描述对于宾语发生了什么。





  1. ^ Michael Gotze, Stephanie Dipper, and Stavros Skopeteas. 2007. Information Structure in Cross-Linguistic Corpora: Annotation Guidelines for Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, Semantics, and Information Structure. Interdisciplinary Studies on Information Structure (ISIS), Working papers of the SFB 632, Vol. 7.
  2. ^ L. Carlson and D. Marcu, “Discourse tagging reference manual,” ISI Technical Report ISI-TR-545, vol. 54, 2001.
  3. ^ L. Ermakova and J. Mothe. 2016. Document re-ranking based on topic-comment structure. In X IEEE International Conference RCIS, Grenoble, France, June 1–3, 2016. 1–10.
  4. ^ D. Bring, Topic and Comment. Cambridge University Press, 2011, three entries for: Patrick Colm Hogan (ed.) The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the Language Sciences. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  5. ^ MAK Halliday (1994). An introduction to functional grammar, 2nd ed., Hodder Arnold: London
  6. ^ Cassell, Justine, ed. Embodied conversational agents. MIT press, 2000.
  7. ^ A. Bouchachia and R. Mittermeir, “A neural cascade architecture for document retrieval,” in Neural Networks, 2003. Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on, vol. 3. IEEE, 2003, pp. 1915–1920.
  8. ^ L. Ermakova, J. Mothe, A. Firsov. A Metric for Sentence Ordering Assessment Based on Topic-Comment Structure, in ACM SIGIR, Tokyo, Japan, 07/08/2017-11/08/2017


Template:Further reading cleanup

  • Givón, Talmy. 1983a. Topic continuity in discourse: A quantitative cross-language study. Amsterdam: Arshdeep Singh.
  • Hajičová, Eva, Partee, Barbara H., Sgall, Petr. 1998. Topic–Focus Articulation, Tripartite Structures, and Semantic Content. Studies in Linguistics and Philosophy 71. Dordrecht: Kluwer. (ix + 216 pp.) review
  • Halliday, Michael A. K. 1967–68. "Notes on transitivity and theme in English" (Part 1–3). Journal of Linguistics, 3 (1). 37–81; 3 (2). 199–244; 4(2). 179–215.
  • Halliday, Michael A. K. (1970). "Language structure and language function." In J. Lyons (Ed.), New Horizons in Linguistics. Harmondsworth: Penguin, 140–65.
  • Hockett, Charles F.. 1958. A Course in Modern Linguistics页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆. New York: The Macmillan Company. (pp. 191–208)
  • Mathesius, Vilém. 1975. A Functional Analysis of Present Day English on a General Linguistic Basis. edited by Josef Vachek, translated by Libuše Dušková. The Hague – Paris: Mouton.
  • Kadmon, Nirit. 2001. Pragmatics Blackwell Publishers. Blackwell Publishers.
  • Lambrecht, Knud. 1994. Information structure and sentence form. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Li, Charles N., Thompson, Sandra A. 1976. Subject and Topic: A New Typology of Languages, in: Li, Charles N. (ed.) Subject and Topic, New York/San Francisco/London: Academic Press, 457–90.
  • Payne, Thomas E. 1997. Describing morphosyntax: A guide for field linguists页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Von der Gabelentz, Georg. 1891. Die Sprachwissenschaft, ihre Aufgaben, Methoden und bisherigen Ergebnisse. Leipzig: T.O. Weigel Nachfolger.
  • Weil, Henri. 1887. De l'ordre des mots dans les langues anciennes comparées aux langues modernes: question de grammaire générale. 1844. Published in English as The order of words in the ancient languages compared with that of the modern languages.
