共产党在塞尔维亚的清洗 (1944年—1945年)




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 "Most of these people were murdered without a trial" (talking about at least 20.000) "...There is not even a smallest of doubt that these were war crimes." quoted from: Istina o streljanjima važnija od sudskih progona (PDF, in Serbian)
  2. ^ Quote: "Armed persons murdered unarmed civilians" p. 32 from Mészáros Z. (2012): Az 1944–45-os esemenyek minositesei (I)Qualifications of the 1944-45 Events (I). Létünk 2012/1. (PDF, in Hungarian)
  3. ^ Translated quote: "Besides unintentional, accidental killings, which were minimal in numbers, the number of executed after regular trial is low, most victims were liquidated as a reprisal, without any court proceeding." p. 5 from Mačković, S. (2017): Szabadka és a felszabadulás után (1944-1945) áldozatul esett polgári személyekSubotica and the civilian victims after the liberation (1944-1945). Subotica History, official page of the Historic Archive.
  4. ^ Quote: "For just a few days matter, all of them were murdered, mostly from our village. I personally buried them in the grave-hole." from Stijačić, M. (2018): Vreme je! – article published in Slobodni Srbobran 10 December 2018, archived using Google cache here (in 塞尔维亚语) (in 匈牙利语)
  5. ^ "These works negotiated the start of historical remembrance of the innocent persons' tragic fate, those that suffered cruel reprisal." Quote translated from p. 1. of A. Sajti E. (2018): A vajdasági helytörténetírás és a magyarok elleni megtorlások a Délvidéken – source. (PDF, in Hungarian)
  6. ^ Politika | Kako su dželati postali žrtve. Kontrapress. [6 June 2014]. 
  7. ^ Report on the stage of investigation, year 2011 (in Serbian)
  8. ^ Agenda of the round-table held in Belgrade, 2015 (in Serbian)
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 S. Dedeić – V. Arsić. Press Online :: Vesti dana – politika, skupstina, Srbija, Tadić, vlada, premijer :: Grobnice svuda po Srbiji. Pressonline.rs. [6 June 2014]. (原始内容存档于3 February 2014). 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Ulrich Merten: Forgotten Voices: The Expulsion of the Germans from Eastern Europe After World War II, Transactions Publisher, New Jersey, USA, 2012
  11. ^ Kathryn Schaeffer Pabst, Douglas Schaeffer Pabst: Taken: A Lament for a Lost Ethnicity, iUniverse Books, 2006
  12. ^ Georg Wildmann, Hans Sonnleitner, Karl Weber: Genocide of the ethnic Germans in Yugoslavia, 1944–1948, Danube Swabian Association of the USA, 2001
  13. ^ State Commission Registry, accessed on 22 June 2014