
德文璞道(英语:Davenport Road)是加拿大安大略省多伦多的一条东西向的主干道。它被认为是沿着易洛魁冰川湖旧海岸线陡坡脚下的一条古老的原住民小径。[1][2]它目前东起央街,西至旧韦斯顿道(Old Weston Road)。

Davenport Road

这条道路以1797年军人约翰·麦基尔(John McGill)的Davenport house命名,位于今巴佛士街(Bathurst Street)夹德文璞道的东北角附近。它可能是以驻扎在约克堡的德文璞少校(Major Davenport)命名。[3]约瑟·威士上校(Colonel Joseph Wells)买下了这处房产,并拆除了1821年麦基尔所建的房子。威士曾担任上加拿大书院(Upper Canada College)的校务管理机构成员、银行董事及司库员。杜邦街(Dupont Street)及威士山路(Wells Hill Avenue)皆以他的儿子佐治·杜邦·威士(George Dupont Wells)命名。[1]


在1837年上加拿大起义期间,叛军领袖威廉·莱昂·麦肯齐亲手焚毁了著名保守党人R. C. Horne博士在德文璞道夹央街处的住宅。

1912年,位于巴佛士街夹德文璞道西南角的农场成为Abe Orpen的山峦马场(Hillcrest Racetrack)。这条赛道只开放了数年,于1916年关闭。该地点现为多伦多公车局的Hillcrest Yard。




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Bradburn, Jamie. Goin' Down the Davenport Road. The Torontoist. July 7, 2011 [January 27, 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-23). Waves from a glacial lake once lapped along it. When the water receded, the winding path at the bottom of the escarpment left behind proved an ideal path for local aboriginal peoples to travel between the Toronto Carrying Place along the Humber River and the Don River to the east. 
  2. ^ Davenport Road: There are four plaques about this road. Toronto Plaques. [2022-08-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-25). 
  3. ^ Davenport. [2022-08-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-08-08). 
  4. ^ Designating Davenport: Preserving Ontario's oldest road (PDF). Community History Project. June 2006 [March 21, 2012]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-03-03). The ancient trail that converted gradually into a road is, without question, the oldest and longest route in Ontario. Within the City of Toronto the central portion is called Davenport, while its eastern extension has many names but most commonly is called Kingston Road. Westward from the Humber River, it also has many names, the most commonly used one is Dundas Street because it was joined by the built route from Fort York to the Humber crossing of Davenport. 
  5. ^ Macbeth, AG. Bicycle lanes in Toronto. ITE Journal. 1999 [February 3, 2012]. [永久失效链接]