
河道迁移或河流改道(英语:river channel migration)是指冲积河道在泛滥平原横向迁移的现象。这个过程主要是由河岸侵蚀和岸坝沉积共同造成的。一般在曲流河。或辫状河中常见[1]

当水流进入冲积河流的弯道时,因离心力引起了螺旋流(英语:helicoidal flow),螺旋流在一边的河岸侵蚀堤岸,被侵蚀的沉积物在对面河岸沉积,造成岸坝[2][3].



  1. ^ Bierman, Paul R., and David R. Montgomery. Key Concepts in Geomorphology. New York: W.H. Freeman, 2014. Print
  2. ^ Hickin, E. J. (1974). "The development of meanders in natural river-channels". American Journal of Science. 274 (4): 414–442. Bibcode:1974AmJS..274..414H. doi:10.2475/ajs.274.4.414
  3. ^ Howard, Alan D. "Modeling channel migration and floodplain sedimentation in meandering streams." Lowland floodplain rivers: geomorphological perspectives(1992): 1-41