羊肠线(英语:catgut,gut)是一种由动物肠壁中天然纤维制成的线[1][2];一般以绵羊肠或山羊肠制作,但偶尔也使用牛、猪、马、骡或驴的肠子[3]。尽管英语称 catgut,但它并不是由猫肠制成的。

英语 catgut 可能是“cattlegut”的缩写;另一种可能是其民间词源英语Folk etymology为 kitgut 或 kitstring,而其中方言词 kit 源自威尔士语,义为“小提琴”[4]。其后,kit 又与作“小猫”[5]的意思混淆了。





羊肠弦(gut strings)是早期竖琴小提琴二胡弦乐器弓弦乐器发声体。现在大都使用钢,但仍然有讲究音色的演奏家采用羊肠弦。


医用羊肠线英语Catgut suture作为手术缝合线已经有一千年以上。它可被人体吸收,缺点是受细菌感染的机会较高。




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  1. ^ Roenigk, Randall K.; Henry H. Roenigk. Roenigk & Roenigk's dermatologic surgery: principles and practice. CRC Press. 23 January 1996: 93. ISBN 9780824795030. Catgut sutures are made from the submucosal layer of the small intestine of sheep and the serosal layer of the small intestine of cattle. 
  2. ^ Underwood, Oscar Wilder. Tariff schedules: Hearings before the Committee on ways and means. Strings for Musical Instruments (U.S. Government Printing Office). 1913: 5691 [February 27, 2010]. [T]here is no such thing as crude catgut or catgut unmanufactured. Catgut is a manufactured article and a finished product; the crude form are the intestines or guts of sheep or other animals. 
  3. ^ Hiskey, Daven. Violin strings were never made out of actual cat guts. TodayIFoundOut.com. 12 November 2010 [15 December 2015]. 
  4. ^ Booth, Arthur Woodward. The Preparation of Surgical Catgut. Therapeutic Gazette. 1894 [2013-10-11] –通过Books.google.com. 
  5. ^ https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/kit#dictionary-entry-4