
黛娜·李·罗伯特(英语:Dana Lee Robert,1956年10月9日)是基督教历史学家和宣教学家。自1984年起,她是杜鲁门·柯林斯世界基督教和宣教历史教授(Truman Collins Professor of World Christianity and History of Mission)和波士顿大学全球基督教宣教中心(Center for Global Christianity and Mission)主管。[1]


罗伯特毕业于路易斯安那州立大学(B.A.)和耶鲁大学(M.A., M.Phil., Ph.D.)。她于1978年在路易斯安那州巴顿鲁治当中学历史老师。自1982年起,她开始在耶鲁大学教学。后来她搬到波士顿开始她在波士顿大学的教学生涯。她在1984年开始当助理教授,在1990年升为副教授,再在1997年升为教授。[1]



罗伯特和M·L·丹尼尔(M.L. Daneel)创立了北美第一个在大学的世界基督教研究中心。

她是爱丁堡2010会议的讲员。此会议主要纪念1910年世界宣教会议100周年。在这个被誉为在现代基督教史中最包容不同宗派的会议,她的演讲主题是“今日见证基督:漫长察看自1910至21世纪的宣教与合一”(Witnessing to Christ Today: Mission and Unity in the "Long View" from 1910 to the 21st Century.)。[7]自该会议后,她陆续收到不少演讲邀请:剑桥大学的享利·马延讲座(Henry Martyn Lectures; 2010)、[8]霍顿学院(Houghton College)的伍尔西神学与文化讲座(Woolsey Lectures in Theology and Culture; 2011)、杜克神学院的华莱士·查尔普传道讲座(Wallace Chappell Lectures in Evangelism; 2012)、[9]东部门诺会大学的澳伯杰讲座系列(Ausberger Lecture Series; 2013)、[10]贝勒大学的帕尔希曼资助讲座系列(Parchman Endowed Lecture Series; 2015)、[11]东方拿撒勒学院的唐纳德·A·耶克萨历史讲座(Donald A. Yerxa History Lecture; 2016)、[12]协和长老会神学院(Union Presbyterian Seminary)的斯普朗特讲座(Sprunt Lecture; 2017)。[6]

在2017短短一年间,她连续获得多项奖项,肯定她在神学、历史及宗教研究的贡献。此包括:美国人文与科学院院士、[13]美国宣教学会的协会终身成就奖、[14]神学院联盟的享利·卢斯III神学院士(Henry Luce III Fellow in Theology)。[15]她同时也是莱布尼茨欧洲历史研究所(Leibniz Institute of European History)的高级研究院士。

一本名为《不可能的朋友:神如何使用跨越界限的友谊改变世界》(Unlikely Friends: How God Uses Boundary-Crossing Friendships to Transform the World)献给罗伯特的纪念册于2021年出版,确定她在宣教学和世界基督教领域中“友谊跨越界限”的学街成就。[16]







  • Joy to the World!: Mission in the Age of Global Christianity (2010). Women's Division, United Methodist Church. ISBN 9781933663272
  • Christian Mission: How Christianity Became a World Religion (2009). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781444308815
  • Occupy Until I Come: A. T. Pierson and the Evangelization of the World (2003). Grand Rapid, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN 9780802807809


  • Dictionary of African Christian Biography (2017). Cluster Books.
  • Converting Colonialism: Visions and Realities in Mission History, 1706-1914 (2008). Grand Rapid, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans. ISBN 9780802817631
  • African Christian Outreach: Vol. 2 Mission Churches (2003). Pretoria: South African Missiological Society. ISBN 9781868882847
  • Frontiers of African Christianity: Essays in Honour of Inus Daneel (2003). Edited with G. Cuthbertson and H. Pretorius. Pretoria: University of South Africa Press. ISBN 9781868881932
  • Gospel Bearers, Gender Barriers: Missionary Women in the Twentieth Century (2002). Maryknoll, N.Y.: Orbis Books. ISBN 9781570754258
  • Evangelism as the Heart of Mission (1998). New York: General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church.
  • Christianity: A Social and Cultural History (1998). Prentice Hall. ISBN 9780135780718.
  • Arthur Tappan Pierson and Evangelical Movements (1998). Seoul, Korea: Yangsuh Publishing Company. [in Korean]
  • American Women in Mission: A Social History of Their Thought and Practice (1997). Macan, G.A.: Mercer University Press. ISBN 9780865545496


  • 2016. "Christian Transnationalists, Nationhood and the Construction of Civil Society," in Religion and Innovation: Antagonists or Partners?, edited by Donald Yerxa (New York: Bloomsbury Academic).'
  • 2013."Forty years of the American Society of Missiology: Retrospect and Prospect," Missiology, 42(1): 6-25.
  • 2011. "Cross-Cultural Friendship in the Creation of wTentieth-Century World Christianity," International Bulletin of Missionary Research 35(2): 100-107.
  • 2005. "What Happened to the Christian Home? The Missing Component of Mission Theory. Missiology.

  • 2002. "The Influence of American Missionary Women on the World Back Home," Religion and American Culture 12(1): 59-89.

  • 2002. "The First Globalization,"International Bulletin of Missionary Research 26(2): 50-66.
  • 2000. "Shifting Southward: Global Christianity since 1945," International Bulletin of Missionary Research, 24(2): 50- 58.


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Dana L. Robert » School of Theology | Blog Archive | Boston University. www.bu.edu. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-26). 
  2. ^ Robert, Dana Lee,. American women in mission : a social history of their thought and practice. Macon, Ga.: Mercer University Press. 1996. ISBN 0865545499. OCLC 36438836. 
  3. ^ Daneel, M. L.; Robert, Dana Lee. African Christian outreach. 1st ed. Menlo Park, South Africa: Southern African Missiological Society. ©2001-©2003. ISBN 186888192X. OCLC 63052108. 
  4. ^ Robert, Dana Lee. Occupy until I come : A.T. Pierson and the evangelization of the world. Grand Rapids, Mich.: W.B. Eerdmans Pub. 2003. ISBN 0802807801. OCLC 51937339. 
  5. ^ Robert, Dana Lee. Christian mission : how Christianity became a world religion. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell. 2009 [2019-05-29]. ISBN 9781444308808. OCLC 352836080. (原始内容存档于2022-05-20). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 2017 Sprunt Lectures. Union Presbyterian Seminary. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2017-08-29) (英语). 
  7. ^ Dana Robert calls for common witness to Christ despite divisions. www.edinburgh2010.org. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-20). 
  8. ^ Henry Martyn Lectures. Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-30) (英语). 
  9. ^ Wallace Chappell Lectures – Foundation for Evangelism. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2020-08-05) (美国英语). 
  10. ^ Augsburger Lecture Series – Page 2 – Eastern Mennonite University Podcast. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-29) (美国英语). 
  11. ^ Parchman Endowed Lectures. George W. Truett Theological Seminary | Baylor University. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-26) (美国英语). 
  12. ^ Yerxa Lecture Series Welcomes Boston University Professor Dana L. Robert. Eastern Nazarene College. 2016-03-02 [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-29) (美国英语). 
  13. ^ Newly Elected Fellows. members.amacad.org. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-10). 
  14. ^ Adeney, Frances; Lewis, Bonnie Sue. ASM Life time Achievement Award 2017: Dr. Dana L. Robert. Missiology: An International Review. 2018-01, 46 (1): 99–101 [2019-05-29]. ISSN 0091-8296. doi:10.1177/0091829617746658. (原始内容存档于2019-05-29) (英语). 
  15. ^ Dana Robert named Luce Fellow | Center for Global Christianity & Mission. www.bu.edu. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-29). 
  16. ^ David W. Scott; Daryl R. Ireland; Grace Y. May; Casely B. Essamuah. Unlikely Friends: How God Uses Boundary-Crossing Friendships to Transform the World. Eugene, OR: Pickwick. July 2021. ISBN 9781725286375. 
  17. ^ Editorial board. Cambridge Core. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-04) (英语). 
  18. ^ Pierson, Arthur Tappan (1837-1911) | History of Missiology. www.bu.edu. [2019-05-29]. (原始内容存档于2015-01-24). 
