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YouTube年度回顾(英语:YouTube Rewind),标志字体风格为“YouTube ЯEWIND”,又称YouTube倒带、YouTube回顾,是由YouTube和Portal A Interactive制作和创建的影片系列。这些影片通常概括、回顾每年精选的网络爆红短片、大事件、流行趋势和音乐等。往年的特色是通常会邀请创作者们拍摄、参与影片的剪辑元素。并上传到YouTube的官方频道。
YouTube年度回顾 YouTube Rewind | |
别名 | YouTube倒带、YouTube回顾、YouTube全球回顾 |
类型 | 影片混搭、音乐混搭 |
导演 |
国家/地区 | 美国 |
语言 | 英语 |
集数 | 10 |
每集长度 | 1–8 分钟 |
片头曲 | The Hood Internet – 混搭音乐 |
作曲 | |
制作 | |
制作人 |
执行制作 | |
制作公司 | YouTube, LLC, Portal A Interactive |
发行公司 | YouTube, LLC |
播出信息 | |
首播频道 | YouTube |
图像制式 | 1080p (HDTV) |
声音制式 | 立体声 |
播出日期 | 2010年12月12日 | —2019年12月5日
外部链接 | |
官方网站 | |
制作网站 |
在2018年的年度回顾一集里,几乎受到观众、评论家和YouTuber的普遍蔑视,在发布7天后[注 1]就吸引了1000万以上的不喜欢(倒赞),成为有史以来最不受喜欢的YouTube影片。[6]
在最新一集《YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record》里还是受到了粉丝的负面反应,原因是尽管比上一集好一些,但由于与该系列的前几集相比缺乏了以往的创造力与活力而受到批讽。[7][8]
首个年度回顾影片是由YouTube在2010年创建的,影片收录了该年度最受欢迎的YouTube影片前十名。从2010年开始,YouTube开始在Seedwell[注 2]和Portal A Interactive的借助下制作年度回顾影片。[3][10]从2011年开始,YouTube年度回顾只会被上传到YouTube聚光灯(现在称为YouTube)频道,并带有其他幕后花絮的影片。
2010年12月12日,第一个 YouTube年度回顾被上传,标题名称为《2010 YouTube Rewind: Year in Review》。它收录了那一年YouTube中最受欢迎的十大影片。分两天透过两个频道上传,第一天由“YouTube Trends”[11]、第二天(13日)由“YouTube聚光灯”频道上传。[12]
2011年12月20日,《YouTube Rewind 2011》上传。[13][14]由YouTube和Portal A Interactive制作[15],邀请瑞贝卡·布莱克为主持人。她的音乐影片《Friday》在2011年3月成为病毒式影片。[15][16]和去年一样,它还收录了该年度YouTube上十大最受欢迎的影片。[17]
2012年12月17日,《Rewind YouTube Style 2012》上传到YouTube聚光灯。[18]由YouTube和Seedwell制作[19],音乐采用了Psy的《江南Style》和卡莉·蕾·杰普森的《Call Me Maybe》混音。
2013 What Does 2013 Say?
2013年12月11日,《YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?》上传到YouTube聚光灯[20],引用自挪威幽默二人组Ylvis的《狐狸怎么叫》。该视频还大量使用了PSY的《绅士》,但是在获得原创的著作权声明后,原始影片的音频在2015年后不再包含该歌曲。该影片是由YouTube和Portal A Interactive制作。[20]DJ Earworm为这年中总共混音了六首流行歌曲。来自《今夜秀》的吉米·法伦和The Roots出场。[20]这是使用YouTube倒带按钮标志的第一年; 否则,它的风格与2012年的影片非常相似。受欢迎的YouTuber PewDiePie也在2013年年度回顾中首次亮相。
2014 Turn Down for What
2014年12月9日,引用《Turn Down for What》的《YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014》上传到YouTube聚光灯。由YouTube和Portal A Interactive制作。DJ Earworm将超过10首歌曲混在一起作成影片。[21][22]该影片并不像往年那样围绕歌曲进行编排,而是与音乐一起使用了更多的网络迷因和流行趋势。YouTube倒带按钮标志成为该影片的主要特色,该标志贯穿许多的YouTuber;大鸟的《荷伯报告》;正主持《康纳秀》的康纳·欧布莱恩;由黄谷子(Freddie Wong)担任主持人并与约翰·奥利弗进行的《上周今夜秀》。[22]
2015 Watch Me
2015年12月9日[23],引用《Watch Me》的《YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015》上传到YouTube聚光灯。由YouTube和Portal A Interactive制作。这是第一个带有主题标签的回顾影片—#YouTubeRewind。[23][24]由于2015年是网站成立10周年,该影片大量集成了YouTube前几年的纪录。[25]该音乐混搭由The Hood Internet制作,包括如超级镭射光(Major Lazer)和DJ Snake的《Lean On》、威肯的《无法挡的爱》、贾斯汀·比伯的《什么意思?》等歌曲。此外,艾维奇还为影片制作了原始混音。[23][24]
该影片吸引了比往年更多的游戏玩家,例如YouTuber Markiplier和乔登·马伦。影片的一半左右PewDiePie和Zoe Sugg出现。他们出现在具有两个日期为2015年12月9日的记分牌旁边。Zoe更改上面了记分牌,使日期倒退为2005年2月14日。之后,PewDiePie“brofist”了倒带按钮,触发了影片显示了从2015年到2005年的网络爆红短片和迷因。[24]
2016 终极挑战
2016年12月7日,《YouTube Rewind: The Ultimate 2016 Challenge》上传到YouTube聚光灯,以应对2016年越来越多的挑战。由YouTube和Portal A Interactive制作。音乐由Hood Internet开发、超级镭射光(Major Lazer)进行原始混音。影片以巨石强森拿着微型倒带按钮为开头,各个YouTuber以《Pokémon GO》找寻“倒带”符号。影片还提到了被液压冲床辗碎的物体、《权力的游戏》中的阿多(Hodor)、转水瓶挑战和“Dab”。音乐使用了五佳人的《Work from home》,老烟枪双人组的《Closer》。该影片也使用了詹姆斯·柯登在《深夜秀》中的车上卡拉OK片段。
2017 Shape of 2017
2017年12月6日,引用红发艾德歌曲《Shape of You》的《YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017》上传到YouTube聚光灯。
2018 最不受欢迎的回顾
2018年12月6日,《YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind》被上传到YouTube频道。受到了极大的批评,受到了评论家,YouTuber和观众的广泛反对。许多YouTube用户认为这是“有史以来最糟糕的倒带”。
The Verge的茱莉亚·亚历山大(Julia Alexander)提供建议,YouTube年度回顾故意遗漏了该平台在2018年最重要的时刻,以安抚广告商有关过去两年困扰该平台的争议:“这一点越来越明显但是,YouTube试图出售一种不同于数百万人进入该平台的文化,这对于创作者和支持者而言都变得越来越难以接受。”商业内幕的Meira Gebel也表达了类似的观点,他说:“这段影片似乎是该公司试图在艰难的2018年之后保持广告商的支持。”YouTube行政总裁苏珊·沃西基在2月份的YouTube新闻中承认该影片效果不佳,并说“甚至我的孩子也称它很尴尬(cringey)”。
2019 为了记录
2019年12月5日,《YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record》上传至YouTube,2019年的版本恢复了该系列早期的格式,统计了的影片和频道片和频道排行榜数据和趋势。YouTube文化和趋势负责人凯文·阿洛卡(Kevin Allocca)解释说,该视频更多地反映今年的趋势,承认以前的格式越来越难以“真实地代表”社区的整体体验。[27]该视频被批评为对消费者“被动攻击”或“懒惰”,因为它的制作水平与之前的年度回顾不同,并被认为类似于WatchMojo视频。许多人还认为新格式缺乏活力和“灵魂”,称这表明YouTube正在变得更加公开化。[28][29]然而,许多人在某些方面看到了演员选择的改进,特别是包括在之前年度回顾中缺席的PewDiePie。[27]与去年类似的是,该视频因缺乏对当年去世的名人的致敬而受到批评,最著名的是Etika和朱斯·沃尔德。[30][31]
影片名称 | 发布日期 | 观看次数 (百万) | 喜欢数 (千) | 不喜欢数 (千) | 喜欢的比例 | 不喜欢的比例 | IMDb 评分 |
第1季 | |||||||
"YouTube Rewind 2010: Year in Review"[33][34] | 2010年12月13日[注 3] | 7.03 | 115.11 | 9.41 | 92.44% | 7.56% | 3.8 (10 reviews)[35] |
"YouTube Rewind 2011"[2] | 2011年12月20日 | 12.85 | 139.37 | 95.69 | 59.29% | 40.71% | 4.2 (14 reviews)[36] |
"Rewind YouTube Style 2012"[37] | 2012年12月17日 | 194.83 | 1546.46 | 91.39 | 94.42% | 5.58% | 6.2 (191 reviews)[38] |
"YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?"[39] | 2013年12月11日 | 136.96 | 1681.36 | 89.14 | 94.97% | 5.03% | 6.3 (160 reviews)[40] |
"YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014"[41] | 2014年12月9日 | 135.47 | 1712.98 | 89.72 | 95.03% | 4.98% | 6.1 (257 reviews)[42] |
"YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015 | #YouTubeRewind"[43] | 2015年12月9日 | 155.33 | 3014.37 | 217.68 | 93.27% | 6.73% | 4.9 (119 reviews)[44] |
"YouTube Rewind: The Ultimate 2016 Challenge | #YouTubeRewind"[45] | 2016年12月7日 | 242.34 | 4077.39 | 596.8 | 87.23% | 12.77% | 2.1 (227 reviews)[46] |
"YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017 | #YouTubeRewind"[47] | 2017年12月6日 | 239.59 | 4680.27 | 2395.62 | 66.14% | 33.86% | 1.7 (338 reviews)[48] |
"YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind | #YouTubeRewind"[49] | 2018年12月6日 | 224.08 | 3083.89 | 20208.86 | 13.24% | 86.76% | 1.1 (946 reviews)[50] |
"YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | #YouTubeRewind"[51] | 2019年12月5日 | 118.63 | 3496.35 | 9693.33 | 26.51% | 73.49% | 1.8 (158 reviews)[52] |
幕后花絮 | |||||||
"Behind the Scenes + Outtakes from Rewind YouTube Style 2012"[53] | 2012年12月17日 | 3.62 | 44.65 | 1.38 | 97.01% | 2.99% | 不适用 |
"Making of YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?"[54] | 2013年12月11日 | 3.58 | 49.49 | 1.83 | 96.44% | 3.56% | 不适用 |
"YouTube Rewind 2014: Behind the Scenes"[55] | 2014年12月9日 | 5.46 | 101.56 | 2.07 | 98.01% | 1.99% | 不适用 |
"#YouTubeRewind"[56] | 2015年12月9日 | 6.31 | 148.77 | 2.32 | 98.46% | 1.54% | 不适用 |
"#YouTubeRewind"[57] | 2016年12月7日 | 7.42 | 151.91 | 5.4 | 96.57% | 3.43% | 不适用 |
"#YouTubeRewind"[58] | 2017年12月6日 | 6.36 | 165.82 | 22.04 | 88.27% | 11.73% | 不适用 |
"#YouTubeRewind"[59] | 2018年12月6日 | 4.62 | 83.85 | 209.08 | 28.62% | 71.38% | 不适用 |
其他 | |||||||
"YouTube Rewind 2016: Unboxing the Cube in 360° #YouTubeRewind"[60] | 2016年12月7日 | 1.83 | 28.06 | 3.41 | 89.17% | 10.83% | 不适用 |
"YouTube Rewind 2016: Epic Group Running Man Challenge in 360° #YouTubeRewind"[61] | 2016年12月7日 | 6.63 | 55.57 | 11.66 | 82.66% | 17.34% | 不适用 |
截至2022年1月19日 |
季数 | 标题 | 集数 | 首播日期 | 在线观众 (百万) | ||
首映 | 季终 | |||||
1 | YouTube年度回顾 | 10 | 2010年12月12日 | 2019年12月5日 | 1463.9 | |
BTS | 幕后花絮 | 7 | 2012年12月17日 | 2018年12月6日 | 37.36 | |
其他 | 2016年12月7日 | 8.45 |
第1季 (2010–2019)
总集数 | 集数 (季) | 标题 | 时长 | 上映日期 | 在线观众 (百万) | |
1 | 1 | YouTube Rewind 2010: Year in Review | 1:26 | 2010年12月12日 2010年12月13日 (Spotlight) | (Trends)6.96 | |
The first video in the series, "YouTube Rewind 2010: Year in Review", was uploaded by the YouTube Trends channel on December 12, 2010. The official Spotlight channel uploaded the same video the next day, subsequently gaining more views. The video for "Bed Intruder Song", by Antoine Dodson and The Gregory Brothers, was revealed to be the #1 video of 2010. | ||||||
2 | 2 | YouTube Rewind 2011 | 2:20 | 2011年12月20日 | 12.79 | |
In 2011, Rebecca Black was the center premise of the video, having presented the video, and having her music video for "Friday" be revealed as the #1 YouTube video of 2011. It also features Avicii's "Levels". | ||||||
3 | 3 | Rewind YouTube Style 2012 | 4:15 | 2012年12月17日 | 194.69 | |
In 2012, YouTube released the third YouTube Rewind video on December 17 via YouTube Spotlight. It was directed by Peter Furia, who also produced it alongside Michael Rucker and Beau Lewis.[62] That years' video is a mashup of PSY's "Gangnam Style" and Carly Rae Jepsen's "Call Me Maybe" (music composed by Jeff Kite), which also served as the basis of the video. Unlike the previous two years, several popular YouTubers made guest appearances, including PSY himself.[63] References to 2012 events, like the 2012 U.S. Presidential election, Felix Baumgartner, Kony 2012, and NASA were made.[64]
PSY, Walk off the Earth, Ryan Higa, Alphacat, KassemG, Grace Helbig, MysteryGuitarMan, DaveDays, DeStorm, Barely Political, RealAnnoyingOrange, Freddie Wong, Corridor Digital, Rhett and Link, Smosh, Felicia Day, Chester See, iJustine, Epic Meal Time, Hannah Hart, Jenna Marbles, Shit Girls Say, juicystar07, GloZell, ClevverTV, SmoshGames, HuskyStarcraft, Taryn Southern, Ed Bassmaster, HeyKayli, CaseyLavere | ||||||
4 | 4 | YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say? | 5:47 | 2013年12月11日 | 136.83 | |
The 2013 YouTube Rewind was the fourth video release of the series. It was released on December 11, 2013 via YouTube's official channel, YouTube Spotlight. It was directed by Kai Hasson and produced by Nate Houghteling, Zach Blume, Jeffrey Sabin-Matsumoto and David Iain Johnson. It was produced by the Portal A studio.[4] The title is a reference to Ylvis' song "The Fox (What Does the Fox Say?)", which is also the main motif of the video. Other 2013 trends, events, viral videos and headlining topics were featured and referenced, such as the music videos of "Blurred Lines" (Robin Thicke feat. T.I. and Pharrell Williams), "Wrecking Ball" (Miley Cyrus), "We Can't Stop" (Miley Cyrus), "Applause" (Lady Gaga), "Roar" (Katy Perry), "Thrift Shop" (Macklemore and Ryan Lewis feat. Wanz) and "Animal" (Martin Garrix). The Breaking Bad series finale, Macklemore and Ryan Lewis's album The Heist, and the "Harlem Shake" meme were also referenced.[65][66] The music was composed by mashup artist DJ Earworm:
Vice producer Sparks Hopes helped draft the music and sync it with the video, helping incorporate many of the YouTube personalities and guests.[67]
Kid President, Ryan Higa, MysteryGuitarMan, Kassem G, GloZell, Kaycee Rice, I.aM.mE, DeStorm, Taryn Southern, Bethany Mota, Jenna Marbles, Hannah Hart, Rhett and Link, Toby Turner, Conversations With My 2-Year-Old, Alison Gold, Mike Tompkins, Epic Meal Time, Tori Locklear, Chester See, Jimmy Fallon, Laina, Tyler Oakley, Prancercise an Aerobic exercise, Quest Crew, Girls' Generation, Marina Shifrin, Fine Brothers, HIKAKIN, D-Trix, Sam Horowitz, Bart Baker, Jack Hoffman, Barely Political, Alex Day, Annoying FFA500, Dave Days, Kaleb Nation, Jamie Oliver, iJustine (Justine Ezarik), Epic Rap Battles of History, Porta dos Fundos, Magic of Rahat, Sorted Food, The Cookie Monster from the Muppets, Macklemore, Corridor Digital, The Slow Mo Guys, Smosh, Jimmy Kimmel, Nick Selby, Grace Helbig, Freddie Wong, and PewDiePie | ||||||
5 | 5 | YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014 | 6:36 | 2014年12月9日 | 135.35 | |
On December 9, 2014, YouTube Spotlight released "Turn Down for 2014" (reference to DJ Snake and Lil Jon's song "Turn Down for What") as the series' fifth installment. It was directed by Kai Hasson and shot in the Portal A studio.[5] The video includes notable events and chart hits of 2014, featuring references to the Ice Bucket Challenge; The First Kiss viral video; The Devil Baby; Spider Dog; Minecraft; Disney's film Frozen; the music videos for "Turn Down for What" (DJ Snake and Lil Jon), "#Selfie" (The Chainsmokers), "Happy" (Pharrell Williams), "Fancy" (Iggy Azalea feat. Charli XCX), "All About That Bass" (Meghan Trainor), "Anaconda" (Nicki Minaj) and "Dark Horse" (Katy Perry); and the game of the year, Flappy Bird. The music was mixed by DJ Earworm:
| ||||||
6 | 6 | YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015 | 6:40 | 2015年12月9日 | 155.11 | |
On December 9, 2015, YouTube Spotlight released "Now Watch Me 2015". The title refers to Silentó's song "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)". The video featured celebrities from 129 YouTube channels. Events, headlining topics and viral videos of 2015 were references, including the legality of same-sex marriage in the U.S., Shia LaBeouf's "JUST DO IT!" clips, Back to the Future, Super Bowl Left Shark, Kung Fury, the Five Nights at Freddy's games (the game of the year), Pizza Rat,[68] Carpool Karaoke and the blue and black / white and gold dress. The following music videos were referenced: "Cheerleader" (OMI), "Watch Me (Whip/Nae Nae)" (Silentó), "Lean On" (Major Lazer & DJ Snake feat. MØ), "Hey Mama" (David Guetta feat. Nicki Minaj, Afrojack and Bebe Rexha), "Elastic Heart" (Sia feat. The Weeknd and Diplo), "Hotline Bling" (Drake) and "What Do You Mean (Justin Bieber). Since 2015 was YouTube's tenth year of existence, viral videos from the whole of YouTube's span were included: The Ice Bucket Challenge in 2014, "Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test)" in 2013,[69] Felix Baumgartner's supersonic freefall from 128k' - Mission Highlights in 2012, Rebecca Black's viral hit "Friday" in 2011, Paul Vasquez's "Double Rainbow in 2010, "JK Wedding Entrance Dance" in 2009, "I'm on a Boat" by the Lonely Island in 2009, "Charlie Bit My Finger" in 2007, Diet Coke + Mentos and Judson Laipply's viral video "Evolution of Dance" in 2006. The music was composed by The Hood Internet with Avicii:
Jenna Marbles, Lilly Singh, Anna Akana, Gigi Gorgeous, Flula Borg, Zoella, PointlessBlog, Jenn McAllister, Kingsley, Grace Helbig, Hannah Hart, Mamrie Hart, iJustine, CaptainSparklez, Timothy DeLaGhetto, Todrick Hall, PewDiePie, Markiplier, The Game Theorists, iHasCupquake, HolaSoyGerman, Enchufetv, elrubiusOMG, PrankvsPrank, GloZell 006600, Ingrid Nilsen, Tyler Oakley, Joey Graceffa, fouseyTUBE, sWooZie, Bart Baker, Smosh, SmoshGames, Rosanna Pansino, Colleen Evans as Miranda Sings, AmazingPhil, Daniel Howell, MyLifeAsEva, Rhett and Link, the Fine Brothers, John Oliver, Brizzy Voices, Heaven King, Johanna Colon, Sophia Grace Brownlee, Judson Laipply, Cameron Dallas, OMI, Jesse-Jane McParland, Cyprien and Norman. | ||||||
7 | 7 | YouTube Rewind: The Ultimate 2016 Challenge | 6:53 | 2016年12月7日 | 241.93 | |
On December 7, 2016, this video included references to events, headlining topics, viral videos and challenges of 2016. "YouTube Rewind: The Ultimate 2016 Challenge" became the fastest video to reach 100 million views on YouTube, just 3.2 days after its release. References included PPAP, dabbing, Mannequin Challenge, Rio 2016 Olympics, water bottle flipping, Stranger Things, hydraulic press, Orbeeze pranks, Corn Drills, rainbow bagels, Scott Sterling, NYC snowboarding, Running Man Challenge, Damn Daniel, T-Rex costume, E-Games, The Dancing Mannequin Heads, "The Door" (Game of Thrones), Prince and David Bowie Tribute (Alex Wassabi), HighLight Challenge, 100 Layers, "JuJu on That Beat", Carpool Karaoke (following on from 2015), Hamilton and Views (Drake cover album) Game references included the game of the year 2016, Pokémon Go, as well as Street Fighter V, and The Witness. The following music videos were referenced: "Work from Home" (Fifth Harmony feat Ty Dolla Sign), "Famous" (Kanye West), "Light It Up" (Major Lazer feat Nyla & Fuse ODG), "Sorry" (Justin Bieber), "This Is What You Came For" (Calvin Harris feat. Rihanna), "Dangerous Woman" (Ariana Grande), "Side to Side" (Ariana Grande feat. Nicki Minaj), "Hold Up" (Beyoncé), "Panda" (Desiigner), "Cheap Thrills" (Sia), "Hasta el Amanecer" (Nicky Jam) and "Roses" (The Chainsmokers feat ROZES)
Notable YouTube creators featured in the video include:[70] Dwayne Johnson, Marques Brownlee (MKBHD), Andre "Black Nerd", AIB, Being Indian, The Chainsmokers, Matt Meese, VanossGaming, Jacksepticeye, The Dolan Twins, Markiplier, PewDiePie, PrankvsPrank, YellowMellow, Wengie, DashieXP, CaseyNeistat, Jacksfilms, HolaSoyGerman, Yuya, KSI, ComedyshortsGamer, Seth Meyers, Rhett & Link, SevenSuperGirls, Lilly Singh, Unbox Therapy, Daniel Howell, Pikotaro, hajimesyacho, AmazingPhil, iJustine, Kian Lawley and Jc Caylen (kianandjc), Alex Wassabi, LaurDIY, SacconeJolys, Alfie Deyes, LDShadowLady, Gabbie Hanna, Liza Koshy, Ryan Choy, Nicky Jam, and Vikkstar123.[45][71] The music was composed by The Hood Internet with Major Lazer:
| ||||||
8 | 8 | YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017 | 7:15 | 2017年12月6日 | 239.25 | |
On December 6, 2017, "YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017" was uploaded onto the "YouTube Spotlight" YouTube Channel. The title refers to Ed Sheeran's hit song, Shape of You. This video included references to events, headlining topics, viral videos and challenges throughout the year. The video made cultural references to various trends in 2017, including the BBC News footage of a professor's children gatecrashing during a live interview, fidget spinners, the viral video of a train slamming into snow, D.I.Y. slime,[72] Salt Bae, the 2017 solar eclipse, Backpack Kid,[73] the Floor is Lava challenge, Man's Not Hot, Riverdale, the 1000˚ knife, the song Shooting Stars, the film Wonder Woman, the controversy over the album cover of Ariana Grande's My Everything, the Fire Noodle Challenge, April the Giraffe, Slime fight, Full face, the Rolex Challenge, and the film Get Out. It also touched on various tragedies including Hurricane Harvey, the Manchester Arena bombing and Chiapas or Central Mexico earthquake. Game references included the 2017 game Dream Daddy: A Dad Dating Simulator. The video referenced popular music videos including, Taylor Swift's "Look What You Made Me Do", Fifth Harmony's "Sweetheart in the Old West (AKA Theme to Ten Days in the Valley)", Dua Lipa's "New Rules", Kendrick Lamar's "Humble" and DJ Khaled's "I'm the One".
Notable YouTube creators featured in the video include:[74][注 4] Anthony Padilla, AsapScience, Ayo & Teo, Backpack Kid, The Body Coach (Joe Wicks), Brave Wilderness (Coyote Peterson), Canal Nostalgia, CanalCanalha, Casey Neistat, Caspar Lee, ComedyShortsGamer (Deji Olatunji), CrankGameplays (Ethan Nestor), CrazyRussianHacker (Taras Kulakov), Dan and Phil, DanTDM, DeStorm Power, Doddleoddle (Dodie Clark), The Dolan Twins, Dross Rotzank, Eh Bee Family, Epic Rap Battles of History, Extra Credits, FBE (Fine Bros Entertainment), Felipe Neto, Gabbie Hanna (The Gabbie Show), The Game Theorists, Gigi Gorgeous, Grace Helbig, Grav3yardgirl (Bunny Meyer), Hannah Stocking, HolaSoyGerman (Germán Garmendia), iJustine (Justine Ezarik), Jack Douglass (Jacksfilms), Jaiden Animations, Jake Paul, Jenn McAllister (jennxpenn), Joey Graceffa, Jon Cozart, Jordan Maron (CaptainSparklez), Kingsley, KSI, Kurt Hugo Schneider, LDShadowLady, Lele Pons, Les Twins, Lilly Singh (IISuperwomanII), Liza Koshy, Logan Paul, Luis Fonsi, Marcus Butler, Markiplier, Marshmello, Matthew Santoro, MattyBRaps, McFly et Carlito, Michael Dapaah (Big Shaq), Philip DeFranco, Poppy, Rhett and Link, Rosanna Pansino, Rudy Mancuso, Simon's Cat, The Slow Mo Guys, Smosh, Sorted Food, Stephen Colbert, Swoozie (Adande Thorne), TheOdd1sOut, TomSka, Technical Guruji, VanossGaming (Evan Fong), Vsauce2 (Kevin Lieber), Vsauce3 (Jake Roper), Wengie, Willdabeast Adams, and Yuya. Songs mixed by The Hood Internet in YouTube Rewind 2017: | ||||||
9 | 9 | YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind | 8:14 | 2018年12月6日 | 222.89 | |
On December 6, 2018, "YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind" was uploaded onto the "YouTube Spotlight" YouTube Channel. This video includes references to events, headlining topics, viral videos and challenges throughout the year. The video made cultural references to various trends in 2018, including BlocBoy JB's Shoot Dance, Flossing, Will Smith's Grand Canyon bungee jump, the "In My Feelings" Challenge, PewDiePie chair memes, the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, ASMR, Japanese Foil Ball Challenge, Mukbang Challenge, melting lipsticks, the match between Portugal and Spain in the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Football Challenge, Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster, figure skating at the 2018 Winter Olympics and the viral video by a boy in a Walmart store yodelling. The video also highly references the controversial online video game Fortnite. The video referenced popular music videos including, BTS's "Idol", Marshmello and Bastille's "Happier", Kanye West and Lil Pump's "I Love It", Drake's "In My Feelings", El Chombo's "Dame Tu Cosita", and Pinkfong's "Baby Shark". As of December 13, 2018, Everyone Controls Rewind became the most disliked video on the platform,[75] surpassing the previous holder of the title, "Baby" by Justin Bieber. Everyone Controls Rewind is also the first video to surpass ten million dislikes (December 2018), and 19 million dislikes (August 2021).
Notable YouTube creators featured in the video include:[77] 10Ocupados, Adam Rippon, Afros e Afins por Nátaly Neri, Alisha Marie, Ami Rodriguez, Anwar Jibawi, AsapSCIENCE, AuthenticGames, BB ki Vines, Bearhug, Bie the Ska, Bilingirl, Bhuvan Bam, , Bokyem TV, CajuTV, Casey Neistat, Caspar, Cherrygumms, Collins Key, Dagi Bee, Desimpedidos, Diva Depressão, Dolan Twins, Domics, Dotty TV, Elle Mills, emma chamberlain, Enes Batur, EnjoyPhoenix, EroldStory, FAP TV, FavijTV, Fischer's, Furious Jumper, Gabbie Hanna, GamingWithKev,Gen Halilintar, Gongdaesang, gymvirtual, Hannah Stocking, HikakinTV, How Ridiculous, illymation, ItsFunneh, Jaiden Animations, James Charles, John Oliver, Jordindian, Jubilee Media, JukiLop, julioprofe, Katya Zamolodchikova, Kaykai Salaider, Kelly MissesVlog, Krystal Yam & family, LA LATA, Lachlan, LaurDIY, Lele Pons, Life Noggin, Lilly Singh, Liza Koshy, Los Polinesios, Lucas the Spider, Luisito Comunica, Luzu, Lyna, Manual do Mundo, Markiplier, Marques Brownlee, Marshmello, Mason Ramsey, Me Poupe!, Merrell Twins, Michael Dapaah, MissRemiAshten, mmoshaya, Molly Burke, Ms Yeah, Muro Pequeno, Nick Eh 30, NikkieTutorials, Ninja, Noor Stars, Pautips, Pinkfong Baby Shark, Pozzi, Primitive Technology, RobleisIUTU, Rosanna Pansino, Rudy Mancuso, Safiya Nygaard, Sam Tsui, SamHarveyUK, SHALOM BLAC, Simone Giertz, skinnyindonesian24, Sofia Castro, StrayRogue and DitzyFlama (Bongo Cat), sWooZie, Tabbes, Technical Guruji, The Try Guys, TheKateClapp, TheOdd1sOut, Tiền Zombie v4, Trevor Noah, Trixie Mattel, Wengie, whinderssonnunes, Will Smith, Yammy, Yes Theory. Songs mixed by The Hood Internet in YouTube Rewind 2018:
| ||||||
10 | 10 | YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record | 5:36 | 2019年12月5日 | 118.05 | |
On December 5, 2019, "YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record" was uploaded to the "YouTube" YouTube channel. The video is a mash-up of the best videos and creators in certain categories, including "most viewed" and "video games." The video starts off with creators reacting to the failure of YouTube Rewind 2018 followed by the text, "In 2018, we made something you didn’t like. For Rewind 2019, let’s see what you DID like." Viewers have stated that although the video does show popular creators, it doesn't actually feature them.[78] The video has also been criticized as being lazily made, as it's simply a mash-up of existing videos, and that the quality of 2019 does not stand up to the one in 2018.
Notable YouTube creators featured in the video include:[79] 1MILLION Dance Studio, A4, Anaysa, Andymation, Ariana Grande, Awez Darbar, Azzyland, Billie Eilish, Black Gryph0n, Blackpink, ChapkisDanceUSA, Daddy Yankee, David Dobrik, Dude Perfect, Felipe Neto, Fischer’s- フィッシャーズ, Galen Hooks, ibighit, James Charles, Jeffree Star, Jelly, Kylie Jenner, LazarBeam, Lil Dicky, Lil Nas X, LOUD, LOUD Babi, LOUD Coringa, Magnet World, MrBeast, Nilson Izaias Papinho Oficial, Noah Schnapp, 백종원의 요리비책 Paik's Cuisine, Pencilmation, PewDiePie, Seth Everman, Shane Dawson, Team Naach, whinderssonnunes, 워크맨-Workman, 하루한끼 one meal a day Songs in YouTube Rewind 2019:
幕后花絮 (2012–2018)
标题 | 时长 | 上映日期 | 在线观众 (百万) |
Behind the Scenes + Outtakes from Rewind YouTube Style 2012 | 6:14 | 2012年12月17日 | 3.61 |
Making of YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say? | 7:35 | 2013年12月11日 | 3.58 |
YouTube Rewind 2014: Behind the Scenes | 6:40 | 2014年12月9日 | 5.46 |
YouTube Rewind 2015: Behind the Scenes | 4:43 | 2015年12月9日 | 6.31 |
YouTube Rewind 2016: Behind the Scenes | 3:33 | 2016年12月7日 | 7.41 |
YouTube Rewind 2017: Behind the Scenes | 3:58 | 2017年12月6日 | 6.35 |
YouTube Rewind 2018: Behind the Scenes | 4:39 | 2018年12月6日 | 4.61 |
其他 (2016)
标题 | 时长 | 上映日期 | 在线观众 (百万) |
YouTube Rewind 2016: Unboxing the Cube in 360° | 0:51 | 2016年12月7日 | 1.82 |
YouTube Rewind 2016: Epic Group Running Man Challenge in 360° | 0:55 | 2016年12月7日 | 6.62 |
- ^ 2018年12月13日
- ^ 创意工作室,专门是从事视频制作
- ^ Uploaded to YouTube Trends on December 12 and YouTube Spotlight on December 13, 2010
- ^ Youtube Rewind 2017 had animation sequences, but they were mostly located at the end of the video. This included James Rallison (TheOdd1sOut), Jaiden Animations, Simon's Cat, Tabbes, and Rebecca Parham (from Let Me Explain Studios)
- ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 2.0 2.1 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Seedwell Produces “Rewind YouTube Style 2012″ feat. PSY, WOTE and Star-Studded YouTube Celebrity Cast. Seedwell Blog. Seedwell Creative Studio. 2012-12-17 [2016-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-02-28) (英语).
- ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ Live Video Stats | YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind | #YouTubeRewind. 2018-12-08 [2020-08-03]. 原始内容存档于2018-12-08 (英语).
- ^ Leskin, Paige. The internet is roasting YouTube's 'Rewind 2019' video, with people calling it lazy and low-budget. Business Insider. [2020-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-13).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2019: Minecraft, BTS and PewDiePie... but people still aren't happy - CBBC Newsround. [2020-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2019-12-07) (英国英语).
- ^ Gartenberg, Chaim. YouTube cancels Rewind for good after years of everyone hating it. The Verge. 2021-10-07 [2021-10-08]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-12) (英语).
- ^ Portal A Interactive. Inspiration Room. The Inspiration Room. [2016-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-06).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2010: Year in Review - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2010-12-15).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2010: Year in Review - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-29).
- ^ Portal A Interactive Archives. The Inspiration Room. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-17) (美国英语).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2011 - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-07).
- ^ 15.0 15.1 Portal A Interactive Archives. The Inspiration Room. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2021-12-17) (美国英语).
- ^ How Rebecca Black Became a YouTube Sensation. 2016-01-13 [2021-02-05]. 原始内容存档于2016-01-13.
- ^ YouTube - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-07).
- ^ Rewind YouTube Style 2012 - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-01-24).
- ^ Seedwell Produces “Rewind YouTube Style 2012″ feat. PSY, WOTE and Star-Studded YouTube Celebrity Cast | Seedwell Blog. 2016-02-28 [2021-02-05]. 原始内容存档于2016-02-28.
- ^ 20.0 20.1 20.2 REWIND 2013: What Does YouTube Say? | Portal A | Video For The Digital Age | San Francisco, Los Angeles. 2016-04-04 [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-04).
- ^ #YouTubeRewind: Turn Down for 2014 | Portal A | Video for the Digital Age | San Francisco, Los Angeles. 2016-03-08 [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-08).
- ^ 22.0 22.1 YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014 - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2017-02-04).
- ^ 23.0 23.1 23.2 #YouTubeRewind: Now Watch Me 2015 |. 2019-03-30 [2021-02-05]. 原始内容存档于2019-03-30.
- ^ 24.0 24.1 24.2 YouTube - YouTube. [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2019-05-07).
- ^ Giuliano, Karissa. YouTube turns 10 today. This was its first ever video. CNBC. 2015-04-23 [2021-02-05]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-13) (英语).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2018極速吸百萬負評 開頭竟搵Will Smith. Now新闻台. [2020-08-12]. (原始内容存档于2019-06-08).
- ^ 27.0 27.1 Alexander, Julia. PewDiePie makes his return to YouTube Rewind after two years of controversy. The Verge. December 5, 2019 [December 5, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 5, 2019) (英语).
- ^ Griffin, Louise. YouTube Rewind 2019 branded 'lazy' as it goes back to its roots for compilation. Metro. December 5, 2019 [December 6, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 5, 2019).
- ^ Leskin, Paige. The internet is roasting YouTube's 'Rewind 2019' video, with people calling it lazy and low-budget. Business Insider. [December 6, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 6, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2019 might be trying to break last years record for most dislikes. Mashable. [December 6, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 6, 2019).
- ^ Nintendo community outraged over lack of Etika tribute in Youtube Rewind. [December 7, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 7, 2019).
- ^ Alexandra Del Rosario. YouTube Forgoes Annual ‘Rewind’ Video For The First Time In 10 Years: “2020 Has Been Different”. Deadline Hollywood. November 12, 2020 [November 12, 2020]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-13).
- ^ 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ YouTube Rewind 2010: Year in Review, [2022-05-09], (原始内容存档于2022-05-12)
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2011, [2022-05-09], (原始内容存档于2022-05-12)
- ^ 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ Rewind YouTube Style 2012, [December 9, 2018], (原始内容存档于February 17, 2017)
- ^ YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?. YouTube. [April 7, 2014]. (原始内容存档于April 7, 2014).
- ^ YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?, [December 9, 2018], (原始内容存档于April 18, 2017)
- ^ 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ YouTube Rewind: Turn Down for 2014, [December 9, 2018], (原始内容存档于February 12, 2017)
- ^ YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015 |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. [December 9, 2015]. (原始内容存档于April 22, 2017).
- ^ YouTube Rewind: Now Watch Me 2015, [December 9, 2018], (原始内容存档于February 13, 2017)
- ^ 45.0 45.1 引用错误:没有为名为
的参考文献提供内容 - ^ YouTube Rewind: The Ultimate 2016 Challenge, [December 9, 2018], (原始内容存档于February 13, 2017)
- ^ YouTube Spotlight, YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017 |#YouTubeRewind, December 6, 2017 [December 6, 2017], (原始内容存档于December 12, 2018)
- ^ YouTube Rewind: The Shape of 2017, [December 9, 2018], (原始内容存档于2022-05-13)
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 6, 2018 [December 9, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 6, 2018).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind, [December 10, 2018], (原始内容存档于December 14, 2018)
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 5, 2019 [December 5, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 5, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2019: For the Record, [December 30, 2019], (原始内容存档于2022-05-12)
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. Behind the Scenes + Outtakes from Rewind YouTube Style 2012 percent. YouTube. December 17, 2012 [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于May 9, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. Making of YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?. YouTube. December 11, 2013 [December 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于February 16, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2014: Behind the Scenes. YouTube. December 9, 2014 [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于May 8, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2015: Behind the Scenes |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 9, 2015 [December 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于January 13, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2016: Behind the Scenes |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 7, 2016 [December 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于April 19, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2017: Behind the Scenes |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 6, 2017 [December 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于October 31, 2018).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2018: Behind the Scenes |#YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 6, 2018 [December 8, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 7, 2018).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2016: Unboxing the Cube in 360° #YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 7, 2016 [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于May 9, 2019).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. YouTube Rewind 2016: Unboxing the Cube in 360° #YouTubeRewind. YouTube. December 7, 2016 [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于May 9, 2019).
- ^ Seedwell Produces "Rewind YouTube Style 2012″ feat. PSY, WOTE and Star-Studded YouTube Celebrity Cast - Seedwell Blog. [December 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于December 13, 2016).
- ^ 2012 Year in Review: Rewind YouTube Style. Yahoo!. December 19, 2012 [April 7, 2014]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2014).
- ^ Roe, Mike. 'Rewind YouTube Style 2012' mashes up 'Gangnam Style,' 'Call Me Maybe' and YouTube culture. Southern California Public Radio. December 18, 2012 [April 7, 2014]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2014).
- ^ Gutelle, Sam. With Over 50 Cameos, YouTube Rewind 2013 Is Even Bigger Than 2012. Tubefilter. December 11, 2013 [April 7, 2014]. (原始内容存档于April 8, 2014).
- ^ Hernandez, Brian Anthony. 25 Easter Eggs in the Viral 'YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say' Video. Mashable. December 28, 2013 [April 7, 2014]. (原始内容存档于April 6, 2014).
- ^ YouTube Spotlight. Making of YouTube Rewind: What Does 2013 Say?. December 11, 2013 [December 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于December 17, 2016) –通过YouTube.
- ^ Matt Little, New York City rat taking pizza home on the subway (Pizza Rat), September 21, 2015 [April 10, 2016], (原始内容存档于April 10, 2016)
- ^ Volvo Trucks - The Epic Split feat. Van Damme (Live Test). [2022-05-09]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-09) –通过
- ^ Rewind 2016 | Creators. Rewind 2016. [December 8, 2016]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2019) (英语).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2016. YouTube Rewind 2016. [November 30, 2017]. (原始内容存档于November 26, 2017) (英语).
- ^ D.I.Y. slime. Mashable. [December 6, 2017]. (原始内容存档于December 7, 2017).
- ^ backpack kid. USA Today. [December 6, 2017]. (原始内容存档于December 20, 2017).
- ^ Rewind 2017 | Creators. Rewind 2017. [December 7, 2017]. (原始内容存档于April 27, 2019) (英语).
- ^ Spangler, Todd. YouTube Rewind 2018 Officially Becomes Most-Disliked Video Ever. Variety. December 13, 2018 [April 27, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 13, 2018) (英语).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2018: Everyone Controls Rewind |. December 6, 2018 [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 9, 2018).
- ^ Replaced: Rewind 2018 | Creators. Rewind 2018. [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于December 8, 2018) (英语). — For: Smith, Dave. 'YouTube Rewind 2018' is officially the most disliked video in YouTube history — here's why. Business Insider. [December 7, 2018]. (原始内容存档于October 13, 2019).
- ^ Radulovic, Petrana. 2019 YouTube Rewind apologizes for 2018 Rewind, is still massively disliked. Polygon. December 6, 2019 [December 6, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 6, 2019) (英语).
- ^ YouTube Rewind 2019. YouTube Rewind 2019. [December 6, 2019]. (原始内容存档于December 6, 2019) (英语).