烏克蘭大饑荒(烏克蘭語:Голодомор,羅馬化:Holodomor,直譯:「以飢餓滅絕」[1],出自「морити голодом」,意為「以飢餓殺死」[2][3][4])於1932年至1933年發生在烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國,由於隱瞞,據後來估計,大約有240萬[5]至750萬[6]烏克蘭人因此死亡。雖然同一時期在蘇聯各地都發生了饑荒,但「Голодомор」一詞通常用來特指在烏克蘭民族聚居區內發生的饑荒。當代學者大多認為烏克蘭大饑荒是在史達林農業集體化運動的背景下出現的災難,造成饑荒的原因有自然因素,但更主要的是政治與人為因素。
烏克蘭大饑荒 | |
國家 | 烏克蘭蘇維埃社會主義共和國 |
地點 | 烏克蘭全境範圍 |
時間 | 1932至1933年 |
總死亡 | 240萬-750萬 |
起因 | 農業集體化、烏克蘭族種族滅絕、史達林主義、政策錯誤等 |
這幾項懲罰性措施實施數月後,到1933年春天,在全烏克蘭範圍內出現了極其嚴重的饑荒現象。蘇共和烏克蘭政治局發出了一些補救性的命令,包括向饑荒地區運去32萬噸糧食[來源請求],但同時自烏克蘭向外運出糧食的行動仍未停止。當年春天在俄羅斯西部和烏克蘭大部分地區出現的乾旱進一步加重了饑荒。與此同時,蘇聯政府禁止災民向外流動,烏克蘭以及頓河流域同外界的交通被中斷,外界禁止進入這些地區。任何未經許可便試圖離開烏克蘭的饑民都被作為「階級敵人」逮捕。此時發生了大量人吃人的現象。[21]蘇聯官方宣傳報曾寫道: "吃自己的孩子是野蠻人行為"[22]:225有超過2500人因為吃人而被定罪。[23]
蘇聯長期以來一直否認發生了饑荒,並且禁止國內討論此事。[25]甚至當時的紐約時報記者沃特·杜蘭蒂和訪問蘇聯的肖伯納也否認烏克蘭出現饑荒[26][27][28]。內務人民委員部以及後來的克格勃控制了大饑荒時期的檔案。受害者的確切人數仍然未知。[29] 歷史學家史蒂芬·G·惠特克羅夫特(Stephen G. Wheatcroft)指出,這一時期的官方死亡統計數據有不少遺漏。[30]
2003年10月,一場關於烏克蘭大饑荒的國際會議在維琴察社會暨宗教歷史學會[註 1]舉行會議,共有28名會議參與者包括知名歷史學家一同簽署聲明,要求義大利政府和歐洲議會承認烏克蘭大饑荒是有計劃性的烏克蘭族種族滅絕[36]。
- ^ 英語:Institute of Social and Religious History
- ^ Jones, Adam. Genocide: A Comprehensive Introduction. Taylor & Francis. 2010: 194. ISBN 9780415486187.
- ^ Andrea Graziosi, "Les Famines Soviétiques de 1931–1933 et le Holodomor Ukrainien.", Cahiers du monde russe et soviétique, 46/3, p. 457
- ^ Nicolas Werth, "La grande famine ukrainienne de 1932–1933" in Nicolas Werth, La terreur et le désarroi: Staline et son système, Paris, 2007, p. 132. ISBN 978-2-262-02462-8
- ^ Graziosi, Andrea. LES FAMINES SOVIÉTIQUES DE 1931–1933 ET LE HOLODOMOR UKRAINIEN. Cahier du Monde Russe. 2005: 464.
- ^ Timothy Snyder, Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin, p.53 (he states that this figure "must be substantially low, since many deaths were not recorded.")
- ^ Anatoliy Vlasyuk, Nationalism and Holodomor, p.53 (he states that this the absolute minimum killed, by looking at the population loss would be around 4.5 million, with 7.5 million being more likely, and 10 million also being possible.")
- ^ Davies, Norman. Europe East and West. London: Jonathan Cape. 2006: 145. ISBN 0224069241.
- ^ Baumeister, Roy. Evil: Inside Human Violence and Cruelty. Macmillan. 1999: 179. ISBN 0805071652.
- ^ Sternberg, Robert. The Nature of Hate. Cambridge University Press. 2008: 67. ISBN 0521896983.
- ^ - "The famine of 1932–33" (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), Encyclopædia Britannica. Quote: "The Great Famine (Holodomor) of 1932–33—a man-made demographic catastrophe unprecedented in peacetime. Of the estimated six to eight million people who died in the Soviet Union, about four to five million were Ukrainians... Its deliberate nature is underscored by the fact that no physical basis for famine existed in Ukraine... Soviet authorities set requisition quotas for Ukraine at an impossibly high level. Brigades of special agents were dispatched to Ukraine to assist in procurement, and homes were routinely searched and foodstuffs confiscated... The rural population was left with insufficient food to feed itself."
- ^ Josef Zisels; Halyna Kharaz. Will Holodomor receive the same status as the Holocaust?. Citizens Action Network in Ukraine. [2010-11-01]. (原始內容存檔於2007-06-28).
- ^ Peter Finn, Aftermath of a Soviet Famine (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), The Washington Post, 27 April 2008, "There are no exact figures on how many died. Modern historians place the number between 2.5 million and 3.5 million. Yushchenko and others have said at least 10 million were killed."
- ^ Dr. David Marples (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), The great famine debate goes on... (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), ExpressNews (University of Alberta), originally published in Edmonton Journal, 30 November 2005
- ^ Stanislav Kulchytsky, "Holodomor of 1932–1933 as genocide: the gaps in the proof", Den, 17 February 2007, in Russian (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), in Ukrainian (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- ^ Yaroslav Bilinsky. Was the Ukrainian Famine of 1932–1933 Genocide?. Journal of Genocide Research. 1999, 1 (2): 147–156 [2012-02-02]. doi:10.1080/14623529908413948. (原始內容存檔於2008-06-15).
- ^ Stanislav Kulchytsky, "Holodomor-33: Why and how?", Zerkalo Nedeli, 25 November—1 December 2006, in Russian Archive.is的存檔,存檔日期2007-07-16, in Ukrainian[永久失效連結].
- ^ 17.0 17.1 十月革命百年 乌克兰纪念大饥荒. 美國之音. 2017-11-26 [2017-11-27]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-01).
- ^ 18.0 18.1 乌克兰大饥荒85年 美国会通过相关决议. 美國之音. 2018-10-08 [2018-10-07]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-01).
- ^ Occupiers dismantle monument to victims of Holodomor in Mariupol. Ukrainska Pravda. [2022-10-21]. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-17) (英語).
- ^ Ellman, Michael. Stalin and the Soviet famine of 1932 – 33 Revisited. Europe-Asia Studies. 2007-06, 59 (4) [2022-11-29]. ISSN 0966-8136. doi:10.1080/09668130701291899. (原始內容存檔於2023-01-02) (英語).
- ^ Сокур, Василий [Sokur, Vasily]. Выявленным во время голодомора людоедам ходившие по селам медицинские работники давали отравленные "приманки" – кусок мяса или хлеба. Facts and Commentaries. 2008-11-21 [2012-07-27]. (原始內容存檔於2013-01-20) (俄語). 作者認為歷史上從未有如烏克蘭饑荒一樣嚴重的食人現象.
- ^ Várdy & Várdy 2007.
- ^ Holodomor Archives and Sources: The State of the Art by Hennadii Boriak "The Harriman Review Vol. 16, No. 2" 2008 page 30
- ^ climate and food problem in Russia: 1900-1990
- ^ Levy, Clifford. A New View of a Famine That Killed Millions. The New York Times. 2009-03-15. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-20).
- ^ 乌克兰欲就“大饥荒”问题审判斯大林. [2022-03-26]. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-26).
- ^ Lyons, Eugene. The Press Corps Conceals a Famine. Assignment in Utopia. Transaction Publishers. 1991: 572, 573 [2022-03-26]. ISBN 978-0-88738-856-9. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-26).
- ^ Duranty, Walter. RUSSIANS HUNGRY, BUT NOT STARVING: Deaths From Diseases Due to Malnutrition High, Yet the Soviet Is Entrenched. LARGER CITIES HAVE FOOD Ukraine, North Caucasus and Lower Volga Regions Suffer From Shortages. KREMLIN'S 'DOOM' DENIED Russians and Foreign Observers In Country See No Ground for Predictions of Disaster.. New York Times 82 (27460) Late City. 1933-03-31: 13.
- ^ Soldatenko, Valerii. Голодний тридцять третій суб'єктивні думки про об'єктивні процеси [The starvation of '33: subjective thoughts about objective processes]. Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. 2003, (24, 28 June – 4 July) (烏克蘭語).[失效連結]
- ^ Уиткрофт 2001,第885頁.
- ^ Fawkes, Helen. Legacy of famine divides Ukraine. BBC News. 2006-11-24 [2012-07-22]. (原始內容存檔於2006-11-27).
- ^ Sheeter, Laura. Ukraine remembers famine horror. BBC News. 2007-11-24 [2012-07-21]. (原始內容存檔於2012-07-31).
- ^ Kulchytskyi, Stanislav. Причини голоду 1933 року в Україні по сторінках однієї підзабутої книги [Reasons for the 1933 famine in Ukraine according to the pages of one all but forgotten book]. Dzerkalo Tyzhnia. 2003-08-22, (16) [2021-01-20] (烏克蘭語).
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- ^ 李燕. 李燕:乌克兰“大饥荒”: 不仅是个历史真相问题——兼析历史问题的政治化. 愛思想. [2022-02-25]. (原始內容存檔於2022-02-25).
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- ^ 法国国民议会通过决议承认乌克兰大饥荒为种族灭绝. RFI - 法國國際廣播電台. 2023-03-28 [2023-03-28]. (原始內容存檔於2023-03-29) (中文).
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