
交叉呈遞(Cross-presentation)是一些抗原呈遞細胞具有能將外源型抗原使用MHC Ⅰ類分子呈遞至CD8+ T細胞(細胞毒性T細胞,CTL)的能力。交叉呈遞可以造成交叉致敏(Cross-priming),激活初始細胞毒性CD8+ T細胞[1]。交叉呈遞對於免疫系統抵抗不侵染抗原呈遞細胞(APC)或能削弱樹突狀細胞(DC)的大部分腫瘤和病毒來說至關重要[2][3]。此外,交叉呈遞對於使用蛋白質抗原的疫苗(比如腫瘤疫苗)接種來說也是必要的,因爲交叉呈遞可以誘導細胞免疫[4]



  1. ^ Bevan, Michael J. Cross-priming. Nature Immunology (Nature Publishing Group). 2006, 7 (4): 363–365 [2016-10-30]. PMID 16550200. doi:10.1038/ni0406-363. (原始內容存檔於2009-04-16). 
  2. ^ Heath, WR; Carbone, FR. Cross-presentation in viral immunity and self-tolerance. Nat Rev Immunol. 2001, 1 (2): 126–34. PMID 11905820. doi:10.1038/35100512. 
  3. ^ Rock, KL. A new foreign policy: MHC class I molecules monitor the outside world. Immunol. Today. 1996, 17 (3): 131–7. PMID 8820271. doi:10.1016/0167-5699(96)80605-0. 
  4. ^ Melief, CJ. Mini-review: Regulation of cytotoxic T lymphocyte responses by dendritic cells: peaceful coexistence of cross-priming and direct priming?. Eur J Immunol. 2003, 33 (10): 2645–54. PMID 14515248. doi:10.1002/eji.200324341.