
義大利電影義大利語:cinema italiano)是指在義大利製作或由義大利人製作的電影。義大利在法國盧米埃兄弟開始拍攝電影幾個月之後就開始發展電影,孕育出許多著名電影導演。而義大利電影的發展對於其他國家的電影也有深遠的影響,例如新寫實主義


義大利電影界的歷史始於盧米埃爾兄弟開始展出影片幾個月後[1][2]。第一位義大利導演被認為是於1896年拍攝良十三世的盧米埃爾兄弟的合作者維多利奧·卡爾奇納英語Vittorio Calcina。最初的義大利電影於1896年攝於義大利半島的主要城市[1][2]。這些簡短的實驗性影片立即引起了大眾的興趣,從而鼓勵製作方拍攝新的電影——這最終為真正的電影業的誕生奠定了基礎[1][2]。在20世紀早期直到一戰結束,無聲電影不斷發展,將眾多義大利電影明星推上熒幕[3]。20世紀早期改編自書籍和舞台劇的藝術電影和史詩片包括奧賽羅英語Otello (1906 film)(1906年)、龐貝最後的日子英語The Last Days of Pompeii (1908 film)(1908年)、地獄英語L'Inferno(1911年)、你要去哪裡英語Quo Vadis (1913 film)(1913年)和卡比利亞(1914年)。義大利電影製作人使用了複雜的布景、精心製作的戲服和破紀錄的預算來拍攝開創性的電影。




  • Bacon, Henry. 1998. Visconti: Explorations of Beauty and Decay. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Ben-Ghiat, Ruth. 'The Fascist War Trilogy'. Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Bernardi, Sandro. 2000. 'Rosselini's Landscapes: Nature, Myth, History'. Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Bondanella, Peter. 2002. The Films of Federico Fellini. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-57573-7
  • Bondanella, Peter. 3rd edition. 2002. Italian Cinema: From Neorealism to the Present. New York and London: Continuum
  • Celli, Carlo, Cottino-Jones, Marga. 2007. "A New Guide to Italian Cinema". New York: Palgrave MacMillan
  • Cherchi Usai, Paolo. 1997. ' Italy: Spectacle and Melodrama'. Nowell-Smith Geoffrey Ed : Oxford History of World Cinema. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
  • Clark, Martin. 1984. Modern Italy 1871-1982. London: Longman
  • Forgacs, David. 2000. 'Introduction: Rossellini and the Critics'. Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. 2000. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Indiana, Gary. 2000. Salo or The 120 Days of Sodom. London, BFI
  • Kemp, Philip. 2002. 'The Son's Room'. Sight and Sound. Vol 12 No 3 March p. 56
  • Landy, Marcia. 2000. Italian Film. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Mancini, Elaine. 1985 Struggles of the Italian Film Industry during Fascism 1930-1935 Ann Arbor: UMI Press
  • Marcus, Millicent. 1993. Filmmaking by the Book. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press
  • Marcus, Millicent. 1986. Italian Film in the Light of Neorealism. Princeton: Princeton University Press
  • Morandini, Morando. 1997. ' Vittorio de Sica' . Nowell-Smith Geoffrey Ed : Oxford History of World Cinema. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
  • Morandini, Morando. 1997. 'Italy from Fascism to Neo-Realism'. Nowell-Smith Geoffrey Ed : Oxford History of World Cinema. Oxford : Oxford University Press.
  • Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey. 2003 3rd edition. Luchino Visconti. London: British Film Institute
  • Nowell-Smith, Geoffrey. 2000. 'North and South, East and West': Rossellini and Politics. Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Rohdie, Sam. 2002. Fellini Lexicon. London: BFI
  • Rohdie, Sam. 2000. 'India' Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Rohdie, Sam. Rocco and his Brothers. London: BFI
  • Sitney, P. Adams. 1995. Vital Crises in Italian Cinema. Austin: University of Texas Press. ISBN 0-292-77688-8
  • Sorlin, Pierre. 1996. Italian National Cinema. London: Routledge
  • Wagstaff, Christopher. 2000. 'Rossellini and Neo-Realism'. Forgacs, David , Lutton, Sarah and Nowell-Smith Geoffrey. Eds. Roberto Rossellini: Magician of the Real. London: BFI
  • Wood, Mary. 2002. 'Bernado Bertolucci in context': Tasker Yvonne: Fifty Contemporary Filmmakers. London: Routledge
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  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 L'œuvre cinématographique des frères Lumière – Pays: Italie. [1 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於20 March 2018) (法語). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Il Cinema Ritrovato – Italia 1896 – Grand Tour Italiano. [1 January 2022]. (原始內容存檔於21 March 2018) (義大利語). 
  3. ^ Moliterno, Gino. The A to Z of Italian Cinema. Scarecrow Press. 2009: 243. ISBN 978-0-8108-7059-8 (義大利語).