擁車證(英語:Certificate of Entitlement, COE),是新加坡政府透過車輛牌照配額許可證的發行,授予成功中標的持有人進行登記,擁有與使用新加坡道路,為期10年的合法權利。需求高時,COE的成本可能超過汽車本身的價值[1]




在購買新的車輛之前,在新加坡,潛在的車主都必需要向陸路交通管理局(LTA)先申辦擁車證(Certificate of Entitlement)。

車輛配額系統 (VQS)






在2013年9月, 擁車證系統重新定義了A類車輛的標準. 這一變化發生後,A類車輛的引擎功率不得超過97千瓦. 這大約相當於130馬力。 這是對A類汽車發動機容量不超過1600立方厘米的先前標準的補充。但是, 儘管發動機容量低於1600立方厘米,但從2014年2月開始,發動機輸出功率超過97kW的汽車將被歸類為擁車證招標中的B類。審查擁車證類別的標準是因為陸路交通管理局希望區分和規範A類標準下的代步車和高檔汽車的購買,以將擁車證價格控制在越來越接近100,000新加坡元的水平。[2]


最初,牌照准證(COEs)分成八大類,但該系統現已被簡化為僅僅五個類別。A組、B組、與D組 是不可轉讓的。計程車在2012年以前被歸為A類,但之後不再受到管制。[3]

Prior to May 1999

Category Vehicle Class
Cat 1 Cars 1000cc & below
Cat 2 Cars 1001-1600cc & Taxis
Cat 3 Cars 1601-2000cc
Cat 4 Cars above 2000cc
Cat 5 Goods Vehicles & Buses
Cat 6 Motorcycles
Cat 7 "Open" (for any kind of vehicle)

Current Categories

Category Vehicle Class
Cat A Cars 1600cc & below, and the engine power should not exceed 97 kilowatts (kW)
Cat B Cars 1600cc & above, or the engine power output exceeds 97kW
Cat C Goods Vehicles & Buses
Cat D Motorcycles
Cat E "Open" (for any kind of vehicle)



March 2009 2nd Open Bidding

Category Current Quota Premium Previous Quota Premium / Difference
A (1600cc and below), taxi S$5,116 S$4,890 S$226
B (1601cc and above) S$5,001 S$5,101 S$100
C (Goods Vehicle and Bus) S$5,600 S$5,300 S$300
D (Motorcycles) S$912 S$958 S$46
E (Open) S$5,982 S$5,700 S$282

April 2010 1st Open Bidding

Category Current Quota Premium Previous Quota Premium / Difference
A (1600cc and below), taxi S$34,001 S$28,389 S$5,612
B (1601cc and above) S$45,501 S$36,089 S$9,412
E (Open) S$49,000 S$42,001 S$6,999

December 2011 1st Open Bidding[4]

Category Current Quota Premium Previous Quota Premium / Difference
A (1600cc and below), taxi S$50,001 S$52,357 S$2,356
B (1601cc and above) S$70,003 S$72,317 S$2,314
E (Open) S$71,000 S$74,345 S$3,345

2013 results: [1]


Period % Remark
May 1990 to May 2009 3.0 3.0% + deregistrations as per last annum
Jun 2009 to Jun 2010 1.5 Reduced to 1.5% + deregistrations as per last annum, partly due to low price COE
Jul 2010 to Jul 2012 1.5% as per last annum + recent half-yearly deregistrations, rate are extended to July
Aug 2012 to Jan 2013 1.0 Taxi are moved to Cat E
Feb 2013 to Jan 2014 0.5 Reduced to 0.5% and expected to last till Jan 2015
Feb 2014 to Jan 2015 Change to recent quarterly deregistrations
Feb 2015 onwards 0.25 Reduced to 0.25%

從2010年4月起,對COE配額計算進行了修改。 在新方法下,陸路運輸管理局(LTA)將最近六個月的實際車輛註銷登記中的擁車證配額回收回系統中。數字將每六個月修訂一次,而不是年度配額。 例如,截至一月,有80萬輛汽車。 根據1.5%的允許增長率,將每六個月出售另外6000個擁車證指標。加上同期註銷的車輛數量(例如20,000),這意味著7月至12月的擁車證配額為26,000。

2011年10月上旬,新加坡運輸部長呂德耀(Lui Tuck Yew)表示,新加坡的年度汽車增長峰值將從2012年起進一步下降。 年度汽車人口增長率將從目前的1.5%降低到2012年的1.0%,然後在2013年和2014年降低到0.5%,然後在2015年降低到0.25%。

較低的車輛增長率將與未來道路的增長速度更加緊密地吻合。 然而,2012年5月,呂德耀(Lui Tuck Yew)話鋒一轉,並表示可能增加擁車證指標,配額削減汽車增長的計劃將被推遲。


Previous Category Highest Lowest1 Current Category Highest Lowest Remarks
May 1990 – Apr 1999 SGD Period SGD Period From May 1999 SGD Period SGD Period
Cat 1 (1000 cc & below) 41,008 Jul 1997 210 Feb 1991 Cat A3 92,100 Jan 2013 2 Nov 2008a a. Major historical plunge partly due to 2008 financial crisis and over-projections of vehicle de-registrations in 2008/09
b. Major historical plunge partly due to 1997 Asian financial crisis
Cat 2 (1001 – 1600 cc) & taxi 62,208 Jul 1997 909 Mar 1991
Cat 3 (1601 – 2000 cc) 83,500 Dec 1994 50 Jan 1998b Cat B 96,210 Jan 2013 200 Jan 2009a
Cat 4 (2001 cc & above) 110,500 Dec 1994 800 Apr 1991
Cat 5 (Goods Vehicle & Bus) 39,000 Dec 1994 1 Apr 1991 Cat C 63,035 Dec 2012 1 Dec 2006–
Mar 2007c
c. Partly due to strict emission standards from Oct 2006
Cat 6 (Motorcycle) 3,506 Aug 1997 1 Jan 1994,
Feb 1994d
Cat D 2,704 Jan 2014 1 Nov 2002–
Mar 2003d
d. Mainly due to higher quota and lower than minimum bidders
Cat 7 (Open) 95,986 Dec 1994 998 Mar 1991 Cat E 97,889 Jan 2013 3,200 Jan 2009
Cat 8 (Weekend Car)2 45,300 Sep 1994 1,110 Oct 1991 OPC COE rebate up to $17,000

1. Excluded initial quote for first 3 months (May~Jul'90). Previous lowest record due to higher quota for year 1991
2. It was stopped on Sep 1994, the scheme was replaced by the Off-Peak Car rebate
3. Taxi are moved to Cat E from Aug 2012


All prices are in Singapore dollars dated March 2012



  1. ^ Grant, Jeremy. Singapore overtakes Tokyo as world's most expensive city. FT.com. 4 March 2014 [7 July 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2014-12-05). 
  2. ^ COE System to Include Engine Power for Cat A Cars. [2014-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2013-11-19). 
  3. ^ Taxis out of COE bidding process from August. Channel News Asia. 27 July 2012 [27 February 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2012-08-29). 
  4. ^ Royston Sim. Certificate of Entitlement premiums fall for all categories. Straits Times: Motoring, A Singapore Press Holdings Website. 21 December 2011 [2014-12-10]. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-06). 
