

在航空領域,所謂的「沙盲」(brown-out)是指飛行過程中因揚起的塵埃顆粒造成的能見度障礙。[1] 在沙盲的狀況下,飛行員在視覺上難以看到接近地表處所需的外部輔助目標物。[2] 這可能會導致空間定向障礙而無法掌握情況並導致事故發生。[3] 飛行員著陸時遇到沙盲,比擬這種狀況就像是閉著眼睛去做路邊停車一樣困難。[4]

一架HC-130 大力神在一條沙地跑道上陷入沙盲狀態。
隸屬於845 NAS的海王直升機於2013年約旦沙漠中的演習。


沙盲容易導致直升機在乾旱沙漠地區著陸和起飛時發生事故。 在近地飛行階段,直升機旋翼下沉氣流會擾動並造成劇烈又能見度差的粉塵雲,可能導致飛機和地面障礙物碰撞,或由於傾斜和不平坦的地形導致動態側翻,進而造成重大飛安風險。[5] 在近幾年(自2005年起)的軍事行動中,沙盲對直升機造成的危害已經比其他威脅總和還多。[6]


  • 旋翼的翼面負載
  • 旋翼的配置
  • 土壤成分
  • 接近時的速度與角度


  • 著陸點的準備措施
  • 飛行員的技巧
  • 合成視覺系統[7]
  • 具備改良過符號標示的升級型水平狀態指示器[8]
  • 空氣動力學,例如 AgustaWestland EH101 機型的旋翼末端上的翼型設計(winged-tip)[9]
  • 透過感測器衍生出的姿態與方向資料非視覺型指示器,例如 Tactile Situational Awareness Systems (TSAS) 透過觸感的方式提供飛行員相關資訊。


  1. ^ Special Investigation Report on Emergency Medical Services Operations (PDF). PB2006-917001. National Transportation Safety Board. June 2001 [2007-06-26]. NTSB/SIR-06/01. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2021-09-28). Brown-out conditions connote in-flight visibility restrictions due to dust or sand in the air. 
  2. ^ Key, David L. Analysis of Army Helicopter Pilot Error Mishap Data and The Implications For Handling Qualities (PDF). 1999-09-14 [2007-06-23]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2006-06-03). 
  3. ^ Stein, Vicki. AFOSR News – National Helicopter Experts Gather to Discuss Aerodynamic Solutions for Brownout. The Air Force Office of Scientific Research, AFRL. 2007-02-12 [2007-06-25]. (原始內容存檔於2014-12-03). 
  4. ^ Skiba, Katherine M. U.S. helicopter crash-lands in Iraq, injuring pilots, crew. Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. 2003-04-07. Pilots have compared landing during brownouts to parallel parking a car with your eyes closed. 
  5. ^ STO: Solicitations - Sandblaster Program. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. [2007-06-24]. (原始內容存檔於2007-05-18). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Colby, Lt. Col. Steve. Military Spin. Rotor & Wing (Access Intelligence, LLC). 2005-03-01 [2023-06-15]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-03). Brownouts have claimed more helicopters in recent military operations than all other threats combined. 
  7. ^ News in Brief / Kurzmeldungen. Flug Revue (Germany) (Motor-Presse Stuttgart). 2007-03-18. (原始內容存檔於2007-07-07). 
  8. ^ Vertiflight Breaking News : Army Prepares Brownout Kit. AHS International. July 2004 [2007-06-28]. (原始內容存檔於2007-09-28). The [multi-function display] replaces the standard horizontal situation indicator and shows the crew digital ground velocity, analog vertical velocity, digital and analog radar altimeter, and analog heading symbology. 
  9. ^ Harvey, Gareth. Super Chopper : Life-Saving Features: No More Brown-Outs. Engineering Archives. National Geographic Channel. 2005-11-28 [2009-08-01]. (原始內容存檔於2009-07-21). To counteract this, the EH101’s 『winged-tip』 rotor blades create what its pilots call the 「donut effect」 – a circular window of clear air inside the dust storm that allows them to see the ground as they come in to land.