


  1. ^ Lecture notes: The Liner Conference is an organisation whereby a number of shipowners offer their services on a given sea route on conditions agreed by the members. Conferences are oligopolistic* associations of shipping lines formed for the purpose of restricting competition between members and protecting them from outside competition. They achieve their object by controlling prices and limiting entry into the trade. The most important method employed to this aim is to establish a common tariff of freight rates and passenger fares. By limiting sailings and ports of call and by offering incentives (deferred rebate system and contract system) to loyal shippers, they provide a regularity of service to exporters that may not exist otherwise. Often when conferences perform special services, such as lifting unprofitable cargo or resorting to chartering to cover temporary shortages of tonnage, they pool the losses or profit on such operations. A shipping company usually belongs to several conferences. Members are left free to compete for traffic by the quality and efficiency of their service. Membership is international by character. Shippers frequently associate themselves into Councils to negotiate with Conferences on a footing of equal strength, as a countervailing power.
  2. ^ Thesis on Liner Conferences. [2023-07-18]. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-31).