
磁層永坍縮體Magnetospheric eternally collapsing objects 或縮寫為 MECOs),是由印度科學家阿布哈斯·米特拉英語Abhas Mitra於1998年提出的[1]一種代替黑洞的理論模型,後由達里爾·萊特(Darryl Leiter)和斯坦利·羅伯遜(Stanley Robertson)完善化[2]。它們是特殊的永坍縮體。


  1. ^ A. Mitra. Final State of Spherical Gravitational Collapse and Likely Sources of Gamma Ray Bursts. 1998. arXiv:astro-ph/9803014  |class=被忽略 (幫助). 
  2. ^ D. Leiter, S. Robertson. Does the Principle of Equivalence Prevent Trapped Surfaces From being Formed in the General Relativistic Collapse Process?. Foundations of Physics Letters. 2003, 16 (2): 143. arXiv:astro-ph/0111421 . doi:10.1023/A:1024170711427.