
聖母悼歌》(拉丁文:Stabat Mater Dolorosa,或簡寫為 Stabat Mater),是13世紀天主教會稱頌馬利亞的一首歌,其作者有幾種不同說法,包括聖法蘭西斯教團英語Order of Saint Francis雅各布內·達·托迪英語Jacopone da Todi教宗依諾增爵三世。該歌內容與痛苦聖母有關。[1][2][3]

羅希爾·范德魏登所作「基督釘十字架 (加爾瓦略)」,哀悼的聖母和聖約翰分立兩側,1457-1464。現藏西班牙埃斯科里亞爾修道院



  1. ^ Sabatier, Paul Life of St. Francis Assisi Charles Scribner Press, NY, 1919, page 286
  2. ^ The seven great hymns of the Mediaeval Church by Charles Cooper Nott 1868 ASIN: B003KCW2LA page 96
  3. ^ p. 574, Alighieri, Durling, Martinez (2003) Dante, Robert M., Ronald L. Oxford The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri: Purgatorio Volume 2 of The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri Oxford University Press. "The Stabat Mater by the Franciscan Jacopone da Todi."
