
道丁系統被認為是英國皇家空軍在不列顛戰役期間成功對抗納粹德國空軍的關鍵。結合早期預警和迅速散佈信息起到了力量加乘的作用,使戰鬥機部隊能夠以極高的效率使用。在戰前時期,30%至50%的攔截率已經被認為是極好的; 這亦意味著超過一半的戰鬥機出動架次在沒有遭遇敵機的情況下返航。在戰役期間,平均攔截成功率約為90%,並且有幾次攔截空襲的成功率為100%。[3] 由於缺乏自己的方位系統,德國空軍戰鬥機對英國皇家空軍戰鬥機的位置知之甚少,而且經常在從未遇見過他們的情況下返航基地。當他們這樣做時,英國皇家空軍戰鬥機幾乎總是處於有利位置。
- ^ Gough 1993,第4頁.
- ^ Westley 2010.
- ^ Ministry 1941,The British Fighter Force on Guard.
- ^ The War Memoirs of Winston Churchill, Part IV. Time. 28 February 1949: 47.
- Bowen, Edward George. Radar Days. CRC Press. 1998. ISBN 978-0-7503-0586-0.
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- Corrigan, R. Airborne minefields and Fighter Command's information system (PDF). GikII 2008. University of Edinburgh School of Law. September 2008 [11 January 2014]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於23 August 2012).
- Gough, Jack. Watching the Skies: The History of Ground Radar in the Air Defence of the United Kingdom. Her Majesty's Stationery Office. 1993. ISBN 978-0117727236.
- The Battle of Britain; August – October 1940. Ministry of Information on behalf of the Air Ministry. 1941 [2021-11-24]. OCLC 5245114. (原始內容存檔於2021-11-24) –透過Marshall Stelzriede's Wartime Journal.
- Ramsay, Winston (編). The Battle of Britain Then and Now Mk V. London: Battle of Britain Prints International. 1989. ISBN 978-0-900913-46-4.
- Watson, Jr., Raymond C., Radar Origins Worldwide, Trafford Publishing, 2009 [2021-11-24], ISBN 9781426991561, (原始內容存檔於2022-05-12)
- Westley, Max. Pip-Squeak – the Missing Link. Duxford Radio Society Journal. Autumn–Winter 2010 [2021-11-24]. (原始內容存檔於2014-01-11).
- Zimmerman, David. Britain's Shield: Radar and the Defeat of the Luftwaffe. Sutton. 2001. ISBN 978-0-7509-1799-5.
- Zimmerman, David. Information and the Air Defence Revolution, 1917–40. Goldman, Emily (編). Information & Revolutions in Military Affairs. Routledge. 2013 [2021-11-24]. ISBN 978-1-136-82779-2. (原始內容存檔於2022-05-24). First published in: Zimmerman, David. Information and the Air Defence Revolution, 1917–40. Journal of Strategic Studies. 2004, 27 (2): 370–394. S2CID 153613073. doi:10.1080/0140239042000255968.
- Understanding The Dowding System. The Association of RAF Fighter Control Officers. [19 September 2021]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-16).
- The Battle of Britain; August – October 1940. Battle of Britain 70th Anniversary. Royal Air Force. [11 January 2014]. (原始內容存檔於18 January 2013).
- The Filter Room - WW2 - Radar Command (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), World War II film on the role of the Filter Room.