墨伽拉學派(英語:Megarian school),[1]活動於公元前4世紀早期的古希臘哲學學派,因由墨伽拉的歐幾里得(與幾何學家歐幾里得不是同一人)所創立而得名。他曾師從蘇格拉底,並頗有建樹,但其著作今存甚少。一般認為其深受由巴門尼德所代表的愛利亞學派的影響。同時其還保持有倫理與教育的目的,在此精神下,他們堅持善的統一性,但與犬儒學派相比,他們只注重其理論性。墨伽拉學派的學者強調辯論技巧,他們與蘇格拉底的問答法相結合。墨伽拉的歐幾里得死後(公元前380年),該學派逐漸降低了對實際以及辯證法的關注,一部分學者將注意力轉向研究悖論方面,而另外一些人則發展了邏輯學。
- ^ Lesley Adkins,Roy A.Adkins(1998).Handbook to Life in Ancient Greece.Oxford University Press,USA.ISBN 9780195124910.
- O'Toole, Robert R.; Jennings, Raymond E., The Megarians and the Stoics, Gabbay, Dov; Woods, John (編), Handbook of the History of Logic: Greek, Indian, and Arabic logic, North Holland, 2004, ISBN 0-444-50466-4
- Gill, Mary Louise; Pellegrin, Pierre, A Companion to Ancient Philosophy, Blackwell, 2006
- Goulet-Cazé, Marie-Odile, A Comprehensive Catalogue of Known Cynic Philosophers, Bracht Branham, R.; Goulet-Cazé, Marie-Odile (編), The Cynics: The Cynic Movement in Antiquity and Its Legacy, University of California Press, 1996
- Kneale, William; Kneale, Martha, The Development of Logic, Oxford University Press, 1984
- Susanne Bobzien. Dialectical School. 扎爾塔, 愛德華·N (編). 《史丹佛哲学百科全书》.
- The Dialectical School and the Origin of Propositional Logic (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) with an annotated bibliography
- Megarians. 天主教百科全書. New York: Robert Appleton Company. 1913.