
化學物質專題 (獲評小作品級極低重要度
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條目中提及氯酸鐳不溶於水,需再次確認。--Leiem留言·簽名·維基調查 2021年6月30日 (三) 16:57 (UTC)回覆

整篇條目引用了循環引證、不能相信的來源。--氫氰酸留言區 2024年11月13日 (三) 06:20 (UTC)回覆

Informations from Encyclopedia of the Alkaline Earth Compounds

Sorry for writing in English. Recently we had a request for deletion in pl.wiki and we couldn't confirm any information that was present in our article based on Encyclopedia of the Alkaline Earth Compounds by R.C. Ropp. This is not the first problem with this source ([1], [2]). The current text in pl:Chloran radu is everything we could find about this compound, maybe it will help you in improving your article. Wostr留言2024年11月15日 (五) 22:15 (UTC)回覆

Thank you for the original text at plwiki, I have improved this article based on it.
By the way, pl:Tlenek radu has become problematic now as the article only cites R.C.Ropp's reference. Those references at the enwiki article don't look helpful for me, and I could only find doi:10.1002/14356007.o22_o15. I'm not sure can that article survives deletion.--氫氰酸留言區 2024年11月16日 (六) 07:45 (UTC)回覆
Thanks for the info, I'll look into pl:Tlenek radu and other articles created by this user. Wostr留言2024年11月16日 (六) 22:26 (UTC)回覆
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