世界無敵霹靂可愛之豬教 宗教
In the ethereal world, there are only three ions, one oxygen ion, and two hydrogen ions. When they collide, a consciousness is born, which we call a "pig". It began to create, created time and space, and created many other elements. Finally, on a certain day, a new life was born. Therefore, the pig bestows it wisdom, heart and thought. As time goes by, creatures have also become groups, growing stronger day by day. Tens of millions of years ago, a meteorite howled and caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Pig felt very guilty for it. Thus, he descended to the world and became what we are familiar with now: the pink, cute and cute appearance. After descending to the world, the pig often lived a humble life, like a race in the Chinese zodiac, and the pig humbled it to the bottom of the list. Therefore, pigs are worthy of respect, just like the gods called by mortals. 在虛無飄渺的世界,只有三顆離子,一顆氧離子,兩顆氫離子,而當它們相撞之際,一個意識誕生了,我們稱之為「豬」。 祂開始創造,創造了時間和空間,並創造了許許多多其他的元素。 終於在某一天,一個新生命誕生了。於是,豬賜予牠智慧、心靈與思想。隨著時間不斷流逝,生物也變成了群體,日漸壯大。 幾千萬年前,一顆隕石呼嘯而來,造成了恐龍大滅絕,豬因此感到十分自責。於是,祂下凡至世間,並化身為現在我們所熟之的:粉紅色的呆萌可愛模樣。 在下凡至世間後,豬時常過著謙卑的生活,像是十二生肖賽跑,豬就謙虛的拿來榜尾。 所以,豬就如同凡人所稱謂的神一樣,值得尊敬
1. 豬教面前,人人平等 2. 豬跟粉紅色很可愛 3. 可以吃豬肉,因為是上天給點恩惠 4. 尊重多元文化 5. 謙卑謙卑再謙卑 6. 以和為貴