用户:CHih-See Hsie/闲暇社会学





杜克大学的约翰·威尔逊(John Wilson)及其他一些学者提到,定义闲暇并非易事。[1][2]其描述众多,时常相互矛盾,例如,可将闲暇定义为人的时间所分离出的一段;抑或为所体验到的品质,而无关乎时间。法国国家科学研究中心的若弗尔·迪马泽迪耶(Joffre Dumazedier)将闲暇区分出四种相异的定义,第一种定义最广,之后范围渐渐缩小。[3]其第一种定义将闲暇描述为一种行为方式,即使工作时也可能出现;第二种定义闲暇为任何不属工作的活动;第三种进一步将为了家庭、家计而承担的义务排除在外;最后的定义范围最窄,将闲暇解释为专为自我实现而作的活动。虽如此,迪马泽迪耶的四种定义仍不能穷尽。[3]这一领域的研究结果偶见矛盾,不相兼容的定义和衡量标准公认是导致这一冲突的主要因素。[2]








过去对闲暇的研究,其重点在工作-闲暇之间的关系,特别是已经详加钻研的多数群体,时代发展,这一重点已迁移到对少数群体的研究及闲暇与文化间关系上。[1]英国学者戈登·马歇尔(Gordon Marshall)提到,研究闲暇有两条进路:形式的进路及历史-理论的进路。[5]形式进路关注经验问题,如个人生命周期中闲暇模式的转移、闲暇工作之间的关系、特定形式的闲暇(如体育社会学)等。[5]历史-理论进路研究闲暇与社会变迁之间的关系,常从结构功能主义新马克思主义视角出发。[5]希拉·斯克拉顿(Sheila Scraton)则作出另一种分析,将研究分为北美、英国两种作比较。英国进路着眼于多元主义、批判马克思主义、女性主义的输入,北美进路则重点在于社会哲学传统。[1]南非的罗娜英语Rhona Rapoport及罗伯特·拉波波特夫妇研究多国的工作-生活平衡及不平等问题,在此领域著作甚多,在影响政策、立法而改变当局实践方面有所成就。[8]





约翰·罗宾逊(John Robinson)1970年代末对美国休闲的研究在对闲暇的社会学研究中得到了一些具体的成果。罗宾逊发现,美国人平均每个工作日有四小时休闲时间,周末更多——周六六小时,周日几乎有八小时。[12]闲暇时间的长度随着年龄、工作、婚姻、子女的增加而削减。[2]然而,自由时间的长度并不显著取决于个人的财富。[2]人们如果对他们的经济前景不确定、或者工作正是核心兴趣,他们就期望更少的自由时间。[2]在二十世纪后半叶,看电视成为主要的休闲活动,这使得投入其他活动的时间大量减少;在1970年代早期,美国人平均每天有四小时的闲暇,其中一个半小时都用在看电视上。[13]共同的休闲活动会提升婚姻的满足感。[2]

There are different forms of leisure time and their benefits are not always clear, but generally, there is consensus that in moderation, they tend to have various positive effects. For example, going to the movies, alone or with friends can improve health and well-being.[14]

Pay, work and leisure

Individuals make trade-offs between pay, work and leisure. However, the timing and scale of those trade-offs varies with the occupations and incomes of individuals. They also vary over time and from society to society. In societies, substantial across the board rises in pay can increase the working hours of male blue-collar workers with young children but reduce those of middle class women with husbands in well-paid full-time jobs. [15]

See also


a ^ There were few sociological studies of leisure before the second half of the 20th century. One of the earliest and most celebrated was Thorstein Veblen's The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899).[1]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 Scraton, Sheila. Leisure. Ritzer, George (编). Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. [2010-01-20]. 
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Wilson, John. The Sociology of Leisure. Annual Review of Sociology. 1980-08, 6: 21–40. JSTOR 2946003. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Parker, Stanley R. The Sociology of Leisure: Progress and Problems. The British Journal of Sociology. 1975-03, 26 (1): 91–101. JSTOR 589245. 
  4. ^ Parker, Stanley R. Sociology of Leisure (PDF). Sociology (British Sociological Association). 1976, 10 (1): 166. ISSN 0038-0385. [永久失效链接]
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Marshall, Gordon. Leisure, sociological studies of,. A Dictionary of Sociology. Encyclopedia.com. 1998 [2010-01-20]. 
  6. ^ Frey, James H.; Dickens, David R. Leisure as a Primary Institution. Sociological Inquiry. 1990, 60 (3): 264–73. ISSN 1475-682X. doi:10.1111/j.1475-682X.1990.tb00144.x. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 The Marx-Engels Reader. Print. New York: Norton. 1978. 
  8. ^ Pruitt, Bettye. Rhona Rapoport obituary. The Guardian. 2012-01-10 [2020-01-19]. ISSN 0261-3077 (英国英语). 
  9. ^ Leisure activities (德语). 
  10. ^ Kelly, John R. Socialization toward Leisure: a Developmental Approach. Journal of Leisure Research. 1974, 6: 181–93. doi:10.1080/00222216.1974.11970184. 
  11. ^ Craig, Lyn; Brown, Judith E. Weekend Work and Leisure Time With Family and Friends: Who Misses Out?: Weekend Work and Shared Leisure Time. Journal of Marriage and Family. 2014-08, 76 (4): 710–727. doi:10.1111/jomf.12127. 
  12. ^ Robinson, John. How Americans Use Their Time: A Social-Psychological Analysis of Everyday Behavior. New York: Praeger. 1977: 89. 
  13. ^ Robinson, John P.; Converse, Phillip E. Social Change Reflected in the Use of Time. Campbell, Agnus; Converse, Phillip E. (编). The Human Meaning of Social Change. New York: Russell Sage. 1972: 17–86. 
  14. ^ Corbalán, J.; García-Peñas, V.; Limiñana, R.; Martín-Brufau, R.; Patró, R. Health and cinema. Healthy leisure profile. Personality and Individual Differences. 2014-04, 60: S58. ISSN 0191-8869. doi:10.1016/j.paid.2013.07.246. 
  15. ^ Abbott, Lewis F. 6, "Educational, Family and Leisure Influences". Theories of the Labour Market and Employment: A Review. ISR Economic growth & performance studies 2. Industrial Systems Research. 2020: 175-176 [2013]. 

Further reading

  • Abbott, Lewis F. Theories of the Labour Market and Employment: A Review, ISR/Google Books, 2013,2020. Chapter 6, "Educational, Family and Leisure Influences".
  • Bennet M. Bergero, "The Sociology of Leisure: Some Suggestions," Industrial Relations: A Journal of Economy and Society, vol. 1, issue 2, May 2008, pp. 31–45.
  • Tony Blackshaw, Leisure Life: Myth, Masculinity and Modernity, Routledge, 2003, ISBN 0-415-27072-3.
  • József Böröcz, "Leisure Migration. A Sociological Study on Tourism." Elsevier Science, 1996. 0-080-42560-7
  • Neil H. Cheek, Jr., "Toward a Sociology of Not-Work," The Pacific Sociological Review, vol. 14, no. 3, July 1971, pp. 245–258. JSTOR
  • C. Critcher, Peter Bramham, Alan Tomlinson, Sociology of Leisure: A Reader, Taylor & Francis, 1995, ISBN 0-419-19420-7.
  • Joffre Dumazedier, Sociology of Leisure, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, 1974, ISBN 0-444-41226-3.
  • Joffre Dumazedier, Towards a Sociology of Leisure, Macmillan, 1967.
  • John R. Kelly, "Counterpoints in the Sociology of Leisure," Leisure Sciences, vol. 14, issue 3, 1992, pp. 247–53.
  • John Robert Kelly, Geoffrey Godbey, The Sociology of Leisure, Venture Pub., 1992, ISBN 0-910251-56-8.
    • Review of the above book: Margaret Carlisle Duncan, "The Sociology of Leisure," Journal of Leisure Research, vol. 25, no. 4, Fall 1993. Online
  • Stanley R. Parker, Leisure and Work, Allen & Unwin, 1985.
  • Orlov Alexandr S. The Sociology of Recreation, Nauka, Moscow, 1995, ISBN 5-02-013607-7.
  • Gilles Pronovost, The Sociology of Leisure. Trend Report, Sage Publications, 1998.
  • Rhona Rapoport and Robert N. Rapoport, "Four Themes in the Sociology of Leisure," The British Journal of Sociology, vol. 25, no. 2, June 1974, pp. 215–29. JSTOR
  • Kenneth Roberts, Leisure in Contemporary Society, CABI, 2006, ISBN 1-84593-069-X.
  • Chris Rojek, "Leisure and Tourism," in Craig J. Calhoun, Chris Rojek, Bryan S. Turner, eds., The Sage Handbook of Sociology, SAGE, 2005, ISBN 0-7619-6821-0.
  • Chris Rojek, Decentring Leisure: Rethinking Leisure Theory, SAGE, 1995, ISBN 0-8039-8813-3.
  • Snape, R. and Pussard, H. 'Theorisations of Leisure in Interwar Britain' Leisure Studies, 2013, 32 (1) pp. 1–18.
  • Stebbins, Robert A. "Serious Leisure: A Perspective for Our Time." New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2007 (paperback edition with new Preface, 2015).
  • Stebbins, Robert A. "The Idea of Leisure: First Principles." New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction, 2012.
  • The Marx-Engels Reader. New York : Norton, 1978. Print.
  • Craig, L., & Brown, J. E. (2014). Weekend work and leisure time with family and friends: Who misses out? Journal of Marriage and Family, 76(4), 710–727. doi:Weekend Work and Leisure Time With Family and Friends: Who Misses Out?
  • Corbalán, J, et al. “Health and Cinema. Healthy Leisure Profile.” Personality and Individual Differences, vol. 60, 2014, p. S58.

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