


阁下曾挂关注度模板之条目 小原乃梨子 已到限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎关注度标准,可作提删。--Nivekin请留言 2015年5月18日 (一) 09:56 (UTC)回复


有部分用户坚持要在外交关系条目加入国情比较。你对此有何看法?--owennson聊天室奖座柜2015年5月18日 (一) 12:36 (UTC)回复



以上。—Howard61313留言2015年5月21日 (四) 13:30 (UTC)回复


您好,诚邀阁下到〈中俄关系〉的GA重审发表意见,谢谢!--Carrotkit维基和平约章维基布告板‎ 2015年5月22日 (五) 05:40 (UTC)回复


要求对条目现况评分,好像只有小作品,低重要度。--侠刀行留言2015年5月22日 (五) 10:27 (UTC)回复


非常抱歉,因为近来关注化学元素命名问题,没有注意到您的留言,导致油脂 (音乐剧)条目未能入选,我十分愧疚。不过我支持您继续完善条目后再次评选,下次一定鼎立支持。——苏州宇文宙武的主页 ♨留言 ☎交友 ★贡献 2015年5月23日 (六) 17:09 (UTC)回复



该问题本来不应该成为问题,缘起本人与User:Alfredo ougaowen君关于Doctrina条目的一场争议,双方争议的焦点在于标题到底是使用拉丁文源词还是英文,或者使用其中一个中文意思作为标题。在该问题还未解决的情况下,本人突然发现本人使用的Chrome浏览器来源于化学元素的英(法)文名,点开,发现其首段外文名Chromium未标注语言名称,想起看到过家中的1999年版《辞海》附录《国际原子量表》中各元素除了列出化学符号外就只列出了拉丁文名称,其中铬的拉丁文名貌似就是Chromium,而且本人虽然不是化学本科出身,但对于化学一向很感兴趣,初中时化学是全班第一,中考全市第一(99分,无100分),高中时为班级化学课代表,本人很清楚地记得老师说过元素的化学符号就来源于拉丁文名,而当初元素周期表草创时期,拉丁文也是国际科技通用语文(类似地,在生物学界学名也是用拉丁文)。因此,本人很自然地在条目首段的Chromium前加了拉丁文。然后就受到了Alfredo ougaowen的跟踪,他质疑并回退了本人的编辑,他认为Chromium不是拉丁文,本人就又找出最新的《辞海》的pdf版给出来源,但他还是半信半疑。本人发现很多元素的条目都在首段加入英文,这不符合元素符号来源于拉丁文的常识,就想干脆在所有元素条目首段加入拉丁文和《辞海》来源并删除英文,又在等条目执行加入拉丁文的想法,但一直受到Alfredo ougaowen的跟踪和质疑。Alfredo ougaowen持续地将问题反应到Wikipedia:互助客栈/条目探讨,本人每改一个元素他就加一个讨论,还不停地@本人,让人不胜其扰。之后User:Hanteng等人加入讨论,对我加拉丁文的行为口诛笔伐,本人也予以还击,并提出了投票解决的方案,该问题遂演变成现在这个局面。

这位始作俑者User:Alfredo ougaowen是个标准的加英文派,常常在编辑的一些条目中加入不必要的英文,如在意大利半岛亚得里亚海云豹奈梅亨东方狍等与英文或英语国家没有半毛钱关系的条目加入英文,屡教不改。他还创建了标准藏语原始汉藏语文艺复兴拉丁语等语言类条目,也都是与英文无关的,他偏偏要加入英文。对于的首段,他坚持Chromium是英文,却对本人拿出的《辞海》来源证明Chromium是拉丁文一再怀疑。因为该问题一再扩大,才形成了今天这个局面。Alfredo ougaowen加入英文的理由很简单,说加入英文有助于读者阅读,对于本人删除他所加英文的举动,他认为是妨碍编辑的行为而一再回退。对于他的行为,本人还是一句话,要看英文的请去英文维基,这里是中文维基,不是英文维基中文版,没有必要在与英文或英语国家无关的条目中加入英文。对于是否加英文的问题,在Wikipedia:互助客栈/方针#关于在非英语条目添加英语名已基本讨论完毕达成共识,基本上参与编辑的资深编辑和多数管理员都认可没有必要在与英文或英语国家无关的条目中加入英文,但是Alfredo ougaowen的行为与此认可是背道而驰的。其实Alfredo ougaowen等加英文派的理由十分牵强,要说加英文便于阅读和编辑,那为何不加德文、法文、西班牙文等其他大语种呢?如果一定要加英文才能便于阅读和编辑的话,干脆在每个条目的中文正文下加上英文译文,这样就完全能“便于阅读和编辑”,岂不更好?那样的话,中文维基干脆改名英汉或者汉英维基得了。所以在这个问题上不应该有任何讨论的余地,而应该坚决对加英文派说不。

至于该问题所涉及的另一位维基人User:Hanteng君,想必大家对于本人与他的恩恩怨怨并不陌生。在这个问题发酵初期,Hanteng与本人在独裁政体条目是否存在中立性问题这个问题上又发生了争执。众所周知,我们两人的政治立场大相径庭,争议是难免的,而Hanteng一向什么事都爱插一脚,对于本人的任何看法从来都是反对的。既然Hanteng重新开始活跃,那么他反对本人在化学元素条目首段格式问题的立场也是非常正常的。Hanteng的长处在于找资料,但他的短处是不会长话短说,而且喜欢长篇大论,到处口诛笔伐,重复话题(我戏称为“祥林嫂”式的抱怨,以及“贴大字报”),他一下子开了N个(本人没数)相关话题对本进行“讨伐”,以至于管理员User:Shizhao也看不下去,对他进行了警告(请集中在一个章节讨论,不要到处开新章节。再这样下去,应该算是扰乱维基百科了--百无一用是书生 (☎) 2015年5月20日 (三) 01:57 (UTC))。都说太长不看,加上本人处于毕业答辩的最后关键时期,难以一一予以回应,但这样反而给大家一个印象——Hanteng比本人更有道理。实际上,在这个问题上,我们两人都有道理,完全不是Hanteng单方面宣称的那样本人的讨论都是“误导”和“谎言”,甚至是“无知”和“反智”。



综上所述,本人支持任何全球视野的可靠来源,从来没有只用《辞海》来源而造成所谓的”地域中心“,也从来未排挤IUPAC规定的元素的英文名,但一则英文名并非强制在全世界通用,二则现在元素的信息框已经有英文名了,所以没有必要再在首段首句加入英文名,当然本人也不反对在正文加入英文名及其词源。既然元素的化学符号都来源于其拉丁文名,那么在首段首句加入拉丁文名是有必要的。本人一向为中文维基前途着想,不想因此问题而导致社群的混乱,故而在共识难以达成开投票以求最终解决问题,完全是为了中文维基好,希望大家不要因为本人的政治立场而反对本人(本人知道本人的政治立场在这里不讨喜)。因为本问题涉及的讨论很长,本人的回应也相对较长,如有打扰,还望海涵,也请大家至Wikipedia:互助客栈/条目探讨#化学专业术语投票发表自己的看法或者投票,谢谢!PS:因为User:和平奋斗救地球君已经四处拉票,为公平起见,本人也只好拉票,还请见谅。——苏州宇文宙武的主页 ♨留言 ☎交友 ★贡献 2015年5月23日 (六) 17:09 (UTC)回复


条目还在这个质素上,阁下居然直接标注已巡查放跑了?巡查是解决问题,而不是标模板。--Zetifree留言2015年5月26日 (二) 03:55 (UTC)回复


你好,金大中一文的优良条目评选正在进行,欢迎阁下来此投票螺钉留言2015年6月1日 (一) 08:47 (UTC)回复



  • 按照中华民国的邦交国来计算(标准与中华人民共和国的一样),中华民国与22个邦交国继续维持中华民国-XX关系,其余170多国则全数改用台湾与XX关系(但将与台湾无关的内容搬到中国-XX关系去)。不过看到了Talk:中华民国-新加坡关系,我对此表示有点犹豫。
  • 顺道建议只有互相承认对方为国家的两国关系才采用“-”,其他采用“与”。
  • 正式、官方、政治描述采用“中华民国”,其他情况采用“台湾”

无论如何,所有关注度不太高的中华民国-XX关系我已经全数移动到台湾与XX关系去了。不知阁下看法如何。--owennson聊天室奖座柜2015年6月4日 (四) 02:53 (UTC)回复


阁下曾挂关注度模板之条目 何步正 已到限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎关注度标准,可作提删。(小小作品可能有问题)--Nivekin请留言 2015年6月24日 (三) 02:46 (UTC)回复


阁下曾挂关注度模板之条目 灰沙围 已到限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎关注度标准,可作提删。--Nivekin请留言 2015年6月25日 (四) 03:11 (UTC)回复


您好!本人近日把一些拙作提交到WP:DYKC进行评选,但有部分条目乏人关注,只有三人参与投票,不知阁下可否莅临指教?谢谢!--Carrotkit和平约章维基布告板‎条目DIY 2015年6月25日 (四) 04:54 (UTC)回复


阁下曾挂关注度模板之条目 飒漫画 已到限期,如阁下认为该条目现时尚未合乎关注度标准,可作提删。--Nivekin请留言 2015年6月28日 (日) 08:25 (UTC)回复


最近看到阁下的草稿〈新加坡-法国关系〉,我觉得挺有趣的,请阁下继续努力。 Carrotkit和平约章维基布告板‎条目DIY 2015年6月28日 (日) 10:33 (UTC)回复
感谢仗义执言。--Carrotkit和平约章维基布告板‎条目DIY 2015年7月18日 (六) 09:02 (UTC)回复








邀请你的维基人是:►不让你们窝里反的Ricknator11♥)◁ 2015年6月29日 (一) 04:05 (UTC)回复


因为我将于7月6日回国并考中国驾照(9月12日回加拿大),所以我将不参与第十三次动员令活动。至于明年的动员令,我暂时无法确定(按照我的计划,我可能会明年回国去广东旅游)。Shwangtianyuan留言2015年6月30日 (二) 07:42 (UTC)回复


请阁下记得不要去其他维基人的留言页面拉票喔!这样会令其他维基人会很反感。--Engle跃湛蓝天空带来无限宽容2015年6月30日 (二) 11:41 (UTC)回复


您好!本人最近把拙作〈中国-加纳关系〉和〈中国-肯雅关系〉提名至优良条目评选,诚邀阁下前来发表意见,敬请不吝批评,多多指教。--Carrotkit和平约章维基布告板‎条目DIY 2015年7月10日 (五) 16:27 (UTC)回复


您好,有鉴于阁下与本人同为城市轨道交通专题参予者,同为轨道交通内容维护者,本人诚挚邀请您参予正在进行中的第三次桃园捷运优良条目评选,为该条目、维基百科的改善贡献一份心力,谢谢。----Aotfs2013 (留言) 2015年7月11日 (六) 04:48 (UTC)回复


本人近日将〈河田末吉〉提交优良条目评选,希望阁下能前往参予发表意见,敬请不吝指教,感谢! - 和平、奋斗、救地球!(留言)自然科学条目提升计划地质专题2015年7月17日 (五) 07:41 (UTC)回复


如果将驻XX大使列表/XX驻外大使表/XX建交列表/XX驻外机构列表整合成一个列表,你怎么看?--owennson聊天室奖座柜2015年7月20日 (一) 14:15 (UTC)回复

另外麻烦您可否尽量避免开设草稿页面以后闲置?因为这让我在搜寻“Draft: 关系”来找新条目时有点困扰。--owennson聊天室奖座柜2015年7月25日 (六) 18:02 (UTC)回复

re: The French in Singapore

@Billytanghh第31-36页正文,google books截屏OCR文本如下:

II The Age of Adventurers (1819-1869)

Following the founding of the colony of Singapore by Sir Stamford Raffles on behalf of the British East India Company in 1819, the island became a major crossing point between China and India. As a result, French scientific, trading and diplomatic expeditions were frequent callers at this port in the Strait of Malacca, and some French citizens even decided to settle there.

Singapore, a Crossing Point

With peace finally returning following the defeat of Napoleon, Louis XVIII launched new naval expeditions in 1815. Officially, these were purely scientific in nature, but they also sought to re-establish political, diplomatic and commercial contacts, and to relaunch France's colonial endeavours. Vessels were becoming more modem, and more importantly. their increased tonnage enabled the onboard installation of scientific equipment. Scientists eager to participate in these great expeditions formed a veritable Floating academy. Cartographers, botanists, zoologists, ethnographers, astronomers and gardeners became an integral part of the vessels' crews.

The French expeditions

The Thétis

Dr Crawfurd, the second Resident of Singapore, had warned the Emperor of the arrival of the French and spoken against them. On board the corvette was Edmond•Pierre Bigot, Viscount of Touanne, a naturalist and artist like many of the scholars of the era, who brought back several illustrated accounts of great importance and interest. The Astrolabe In 1826, a year after circumnavigating the globe on the Coquille, Dumont d'Urville, one of the great explorer-navigators of the era, left once again for a long-distance journey in the Pacific. The plan for this journey gave d'Urville his first opportunity to command an official scientific journey. At the start of 1826, as news of the ill-fated La Pérouse expedition reached France, d'Urville requested permission to rename his vessel the Astrolabe, in memory of his unfortunate predecessor. The expedition's official artist was Louis Auguste de Sainson, while Dr Quoy, who was in charge of the zoological collections and also a skilled artist, was nominated to replace him in the event of an accident. D'Urville knew he was risking his life by undertaking such a lengthy expedition to this part of the world.

La Favorite

In hope of succeeding in Vietnam where the 771Etis had failed, another expedition was launched on the La Favorite. The vessel's commander, Cyrille Pierre Théodore Laplace, received orders to install Eugène Chaigneau as Royal Vice-Consul to Vietnam. However, this also ended in failure, and was once again overshadowed by the achievements of the expedition's scientists and artists. For example, Barthélemy Lauvergne, d'Urville's secretary and now artist on La Favorite, skilfully depicted Singapore during the vessel's call there in August 1830. Lauvergne was not the only illustrator on board. François-Edmond Pâris, a scientist and hydrographer, was also a skilled illustrator. He had already been around the world on board the Astrolabe and, passionate about ships of all kinds. created beautiful prints of the junks in the port of Singapore.

La Bonite

Lauvergne returned to Singapore in 1837 on La Bonite, and painted more views of the island. Under the command of Commander Nicolas Valliant, this new mission had several aims: first, to attempt to renew agreements with Cochinchina and plant the French flag in the Pacific; secondly, to collect meteorological data, and conduct studies into the Earth's magnetic field and electricity; and finally to bring back new specimens for the Paris Natural History Museum. La Bonite was a large, comfortable vessel, but she was not very fast. She left Toulon in February 1836, crossed the Mediterranean and the Atlantic, rounded Cape Horn and then sailed up the west coast of America. After passing Hawaii and the Philippines, the ship reached Macao before anchoring in Tourane (modern-day Hué) almost a year later. Diplomatic relations this time were found to be extremely strained, as the Emperor had recently decided to put a number of Christians to death, and to exclude Europeans from Cochinchina. Vailland therefore sailed to Singapore, where he made a port call from 17 to 22 February 1837, noting in his ship's log: 'Without fear of being accused of exaggeration, one can say that it is marked out for a most brilliant future." He then passed through the Strait of Malacca and set course for France's trading posts in India. Finally, La Bonite returned to Brest in November. Despite the Cochinchinese fiasco, the expedition was considered a scientific success. The journey had produced high-quality hydrographical data and magnetic studies, recorded 3,500 species, brought back 1,300 rock samples and, for the greater glory of France, La Bonite had flown the French Tricolour across the Pacific.

The Astrolabe and the Zélée

On board the Astrolabe, which sailed together with the Zélée, Dumont d'Urville left Toulon on his second journey around the world. His aim was to explore Antarctica and the Pacific Ocean. which gave him an opportunity to make a port call in Singapore in June 1839. This six-day port call enabled two crew members to create new views of Singapore: Ernest Goupil, the expedition's official illustrator, and the young naturalist, assistant surgeon and talented painter, engraver and lithographer Louis Le Breton. Dumont d'Urville wrote: "We dropped anchor in the English port amidst 17 vessels, among which we sighted with happiness a French vessel' later, during a visit to the President of the Commercial Court, he noted: "1 had been tasked by the Minister of State for the Navy with handing over a copy of the Maritime and Colonial Annals to this official. He received this with great pleasure." D'Urville also recorded a meeting with the American Consul, Mr Balestier, who showed him "the engraved rock named Bata Singapura which is already partly destroyed through wear". He added: "We were assured that while digging during road construction, small, ancient medals had been found which indicated, as did a traced inscription close to the port battery, that before the arrival of the Malays who preceded the English on the island, a trading post had existed, established by a civilised culture. The nature of these characters allows one to suppose that this trading post was owned by the Burmese.' Eventually, in a meeting with French missionaries, he discovered that relations with the Anglicans were barely amicable. After travelling across the island and visiting the plantations, he was surprised to see so few military defences on the island but admired the importance which the port had gained in a few short years. The Astrolabe and the Zélée returned to Toulon in November 1840, enabling the French Navy to conclude their general reconnaissance of this part of the world. Even if there remained peoples to be discovered and sceneries to be described, European activities in this region would from then on be more economic and political than scientific.

The Lagrené mission

In search of new markets, France, like the other European powers, hoped to establish a presence in Asia. Its great rival, Great Britain, signed the Treaty of Nanking with China in 1842, bringing to an end the first opium war after three years of fighting, and enabling England to explore new commercial possibilities

--欢迎试用维基百科图书馆 MtBell 2015年7月13日 (一) 11:19 (UTC)回复
